🤖 Small improvements and bug fixes
Each release contains small improvements and bug fixes that enhance performance and user experience. Not all of them are visible to the end user. If the release includes changes that directly affect the software’s behavior and user experience, they will be briefly explained below.
In emails, it’s now possible to go directly to your prompts manager when Carerix AI is enabled. When you select text to edit, you’ll see the standard prompts. By clicking on the arrow, you’ll have the option to go to ‘prompts management’ without needing to open Carerix AI.
In the new text editors available in emails and publication texts, for example, you can choose between pasting as plain text or pasting with formatting. For publication texts, pasting defaults to plain text, whereas in an email, copied formatting is included by default.
When creating a new email, the section of the screen displaying the email content now adjusts to the size of the popup. Previously, this remained the same size.
When creating a new match from a talent pool, notes can now automatically carry over from the talent pool match. To activate this feature: go to settings --> attributes & fields --> enableCopyTalentpoolMatchNotesToNewMatch and set this value to 'YES'.
When the job title is hidden with a configuration profile, only the job ID was displayed in the context bar. We've adjusted this because, although hidden in the job detail, the job title is still visible in job overviews and in the detail header itself.
In My Assistant, a bug made it impossible for non-admins to change phases for leads and opportunities; this has been resolved.
We have addressed several technical issues with the social browser.