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My Assistant: Match cleanup
My Assistant: Match cleanup

Data Quality | Matches | Candidate experience | Dashboard

Updated over a week ago

The My Assistant dashboard has been developed together with customers to help users maintain control over their match process. We achieve this by giving you a quick view of all matches for one or more users. The SLA helps spot matches that have been in one phase for too long. You can find more information about the match SLA here.

We've added a new feature to the dashboard—an automatic alert system that signals inconsistencies in matches. Imagine a scenario where in the match there's an available candidate for a job order that has the status "placed"

The info icon below informs that the active match has a vacancy with the status "filled" (in the settings this status is marked as end status). The same applies to candidates. So the icon draws attention to the inconsistency that active match has candidate or job order with status, that is marked in the settings as success/unsuccessful end status.

As soon as the user clicks on the icon, the "match clean up" feature appears, allowing the user to change the match stage to the appropriate one for the related filled job order/ or for a not available candidate.

The "match clean up" feature is triggered when the user changes the status of a candidate or job order from the dashboard to, for example, "not available" or "filled."

Settings in Carerix

To activate the "match clean up" feature in the dashboard, the statuses for the candidate and job order should be marked as “Success, end status” or “Unsuccessful, end status”.

As an administrator, you can easily indicate this in the table items.

  • For candidate
    Maintenance -> Tables -> "Table is equal to" - "Candidate Status" -> open status -> indicate at "candidate class" whether the status is

  • For job order
    Maintenance -> Tables -> "Table is equal to" - "Job order Status" -> open status -> indicate at "job order class" whether the status is

  • An active status does not need to be marked.

    Consider candidate statuses such as "new", "available" and "latent job seeker". The vacancy has statuses such as "new", "active" and "open".

  • Check inactive statuses that are successful.

    Consider, for example, the candidate status "placed" and for a vacancy "filled".

  • Check an inactive status that is not successful.

    Consider the status "not available" for candidates and the status "filled by a third party" or "withdrawn" for a vacancy.

You don't want to see inactive job orders/candidates in the matches. In most cases, you no longer want to interview a posted candidate or you don't need to bring a filled job order to the attention of job-seeking candidates.

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