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My Assistant: Setup SLA

SLA, My Assistant, Setup, Dashboard

Updated over 10 months ago

With Carerix My Assistant it is possible to configure SLA's. This allows us to alert users to matches that last longer than the agreed term.

A common example we see with our clients is that they want a candidate to receive a response within 24 hours after applying.

As an administrator, you determine after how many hours the match phase turns red and gets an (!) icon. This can be set generically for all matches in the dashboard, which we also call the matchSLA.

As an administrator you can adjust the "SLA" below you can read how to do this.

  • The "general duration" that applies to all match groups and stages can be found here: Maintenance -> Settings -> general -> matchSLA. This is based on hours, so now it stands at 14 days (336 hours) for all match phases, after which it will turn red again.

  • You can then override the default number of hours from the dashboard per match stage group: Tables-> add to filter "Table" "is equal to" and click on magnifier icon to find a table "Stage group match" then press the "Filter" button. Click on any match stage group to check the details page to find the SLA

  • Also, you can override the default SLA and Match Stage Group SLA to a specific one for a particular Match Stage in the Match Stage itself": Maintenance -> Match stages -> per Match stage -> SLA.

It is very important to keep speed with the ongoing procedures. By notifying users of matches that have been in a certain match stage for "too long", we can ensure that they remain fully focused on these procedures and increase the chance of a successful match.

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