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Carerix My Assistant

Documentation for "My Assistant" | Assistant | Dashboard | Funnel | Match Funnel

Updated over a week ago

What is the Carerix “My Assistant”

The Carerix “My Assistant” offers more insights to stay focused on the matches. The dashboard shows the user's main workload. You can see the complete match funnel at a glance, where you can see which candidate has been matched to which vacancy at which client.

My Assistant immediately shows how long it has been since the match was set to the current phase. As a manager, you can easily manage agreements. Matches that have been on a certain match phase, for instance, more than three days, must be followed up.

The dashboard is transparent per recruiter. You can view the dashboard of other users if the user role allows this.

Set it up with "Startup" code

As an Administrator, you can choose “My Assistant” to replace the current startup dashboard. You can do this easily via Maintenance → Templates → tab Document → Search for STARTUP → Open file → Delete the code “STARTUP”.

As soon as you log in again, the new dashboard will immediately show.

How to get to “My Assistant” dashboard

You can find the “My Assistant” dashboard via the new button between the logo and the search bar.

Match funnel on top

The numbers at the top represent data about Matches at a particular Match stage group

  1. Total matches in a particular Match stage group (clickable)

  2. Name of Match stage group

  3. Period

The first match stage group is always preselected

Success and Unsuccessful are the custom groups that are visible only on the Dashboard and placed at the end of the match funnel.

  • Success represents all match stages which have parameters “Match process is finished successfully” and “Final stage” set to Yes (In Maintenance Match stages open needed Match stage checkbox “Match process is finished successfully” and “Final stage” set to yes)

  • Unsuccessful all match stages which have the parameter “Final stage” set to Yes (In Maintenance Match stages open needed Match stage “Final stage” set to yes)

  • If somehow you want to move a Match stage group behind Unsuccessful, the index of that Match stage group needs to be < 990

Overview of each Match stage

Clicking on each of the Match stages at the top will load a related overview below.

The columns

  • Stage

  • Stage changed (shows how long it has been since the match was set to the current phase and this column is sortable). It becomes red when it meats SLA conditions (check there)

  • Recommended action (check there)

  • Candidate

  • Status (Candidate status)

  • Job Title

  • Status (Job Order status)

  • Company

  • Medium (to see if the candidate applied)

  • Owner

Columns Match stage, Status (Candidate), and Status (Job Order) are inline editable from the overview.

Check the colleagues' Matches dropdown

  • The Dashboard loads matches that relate to the current user by default

  • Show other matches by picking or searching for another user (up to 10)

  • By clicking on the clear icon the dropdown will be reset and Lean Dashboard will again represent the matches of the current user

Match funnel in Candidate, Job Order, and Company page

On the Details page of Candidate, tab General here is a Match funnel that relates to this particular Candidate

On the Details page of Job Order, tab General here is a Match funnel that relates to this particular Job Order

The same applies to the Company page (General tab on the Details page of the Company)

The Administrator can turn off the visibility of the Match funnel for Candidate, Job Order, and Company in the details page tab "General"

Go to Settings -> Seamless panel -> showRecordDetailMatchFunnel


You can find more information about the MatchSLA in this article

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