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Release 5.275 // 5 June 2021
Release 5.275 // 5 June 2021

New release of the Carerix WordPress Plugin!

Updated over a week ago

Carerix Platform

This release consists of minor bug fixes and general improvements of the overall performance of your Carerix application with amongst others the following fixes:

  • A bug was fixed that caused the attribute change log for entities to be over populated with duplicate entries occasionaly.

  • ADFS/SSO: removed the /Carerix5 extension from the default setup as it is obsolete and can cause disruptions (forced relogins) in specific cases.

  • Carerix Social Browser Chrome extension: fixed a bug that caused names of new candidates not to be registered correctly.

  • Carerix REST API:

    • A bug was fixed that made it impossible to set empty values for additional info fields.

    • A new endpoint is created for anonimization purposes. Instructions on how to use it will be included in documentation upon the new release version of the REST API is deployed.

WordPress Plugin Release

The following new possibilities are featured in this latest release:

  • Enforce Full Synchronisation functionality, which means all publications/vacanies on your website can be synchronised instead of only the new ones.

  • Use of Vacancy Groups. Now you can distinguish/group vacancies even better. Also you can assign "custom values" to group options.

    • Some example use cases: assign a status "new, running, almost closed" to a vacancy, or tag it as a "hot vacancy" or a "carousel widget vacancy" this would offer the solution.

  • Expanded Job Alert functionality:

    • multiple function groups can select

    • multiple regions can select

    • remove the heading 'country' (so only show regions)

    • thank you text on the landing page can be adjusted

    • thank you page can set URL

    • options for opt-in to to privacy statement

  • Change the labels in de vacancy texts and application forms like "introduction", "requirements" - added the vacancy (reference) code, next to existing publication-ID and vacancy-ID. Now this can be used when creating Pages in WP.

Smaller improvements and bugfixes:

  • Google for Jobs, fix with postal code for anonymous vacancies

  • Syncing vacancies via REST API

  • Replaced Captcha library by a newer one

  • Fix in Application form configurator. Administrators can change the order of the fields in the application forms to have it better suited for our applying candidates.

  • Visualize warning PHP 7.3 max - alert box on top of page (PHP 8 compatibility will be included in the next release)

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