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Supplier portal

The Supplier Portal offers a platform for suppliers with access to jobs from the client.

Updated over a week ago

The Supplier Portal offers a platform for suppliers with access to jobs from the client. The supplier can enter candidates themselves and match the vacancies. 


To give your contacts access to the portal you add them to the specific group. When the contact isn't added to this group, he or she has no access to the portal.
click here to find out more about how to create a group. 

To provide the contact with the credentials you can use an emailtemplate which provides a link to the portal, and a link with which the password can be set.


You can present job orders to the contact in the portal, on which he can match his candidates.

Publish vacancies to your subcontractor

To present a job order in the portal, you use a publication, and more specifically, a publication on a specific medium. To publish to a subcontractor, you use a medium that is linked to that subcontractor. So every subcontractor has his own medium. 

The link between subcontractor and medium is the code of the medium: this should be the filenumber of the subcontractor. So for example if you want to present a job order to a contact that is linked to company 12, you create a publication on a medium with the code “12”

Job orders flow

After publishing, a job order shows in the portal. 

If the status op de publication is ‘Editing’, the contact has the option to either accept or decline the job order.

If contact declines the flow stops, the publication will be set to status ‘Publication failed’

If the contact accepts, the publication status is set to ‘Published’. The job order becomes active, and remains visible in the portal to propose candidates on.


‘All candidates’ shows the candidates that are linked in Carerix to the same company as the contact himself. ‘My candidates’ shows the candidates that are linked directly to the contact.

Match candidates

If the contact wants to match a candidate to a job order, he opens the candidate in the portal. This page shows a button ‘Match to vacancy’. This leads to an overview of the active job orders and the option to match the candidate to the selected job order. He can also add a comment. This comment will be visible in Carerix on the tab ‘Evaluation’ in the created match.

The stage and the source of this new match are determined by the settings in the medium of the selected job order’s publication.

New candidate

The contact can also create new candidates in the portal. The created candidates will be visible in Carerix with a specific status and source, and linked to the contact and subcontractor.

The owner of the candidate will be the owner of the contact that creates the candidate.


The created matches can be tracked. No further action is possible, it is view-only.


A contact can only see documents that have specific ‘document type of attachment’s. 

Please note that it’s not possible to differ between up- or download.
Attachments can always be both up- and downloaded by the contact.

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