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E-mail Template Sms

What does the Template Sms do | How to install the Sms service | MessageBird account | How to use the Sms Template

Updated over 4 years ago

An SMS is a quick way to communicate with a client or candidate. SMS is for example used to wish the candidate good luck with a job interview or to inform the candidate about the perfect job. You send SMS from Carerix by using a mail to SMS service. As example we use MessageBird.

To do so you need to:

  • Sign up for an account at the SMS carrier MessageBird

  • Install the Sms Template from the Template Library


Signing up for a Messagebird account

MessageBird offers a service to convert an email to an SMS. You can then send an email from Carerix and which will be received as an SMS by the recipient.

Setup MessageBird account for use with email

Installing the template

Install the template from the email template library:

  • In the email template library, at "Candidate", you will find the template "SMS". install this one.

Note: Check the receiver of the template, it should be 'To: Other'. Change if necessary.

Using the template

You can now send an SMS to the candidate in the following way:

  • Go to the candidate and open the General tab

  • Select e-mail: "SMS" and click on [OK]

  • Fill in:SubjectWill be visible as sender of the SMS. 11 characters maximum.ContentEnter the desired test at the line with the bracesNote that a message of more than 160 characters will cost extra credits

  • [Send] the message


  • The candidate must have a valid mobile number (private)numbers of the form 06 xxxx xxxx of +316 xxxx xxxx are correctthe form +31(0)6 xxxx xxxx is not correct

  • Sent messages can be found at th activities tab of the candidate (or contact)

  • You order a bundle of credits first. A single message costs approx. € 0.13 (Januari 2014). You can check your credit at

  • For (former)) Mollie customers:Mollie used a code in the subject for authentication. This no longer appliesMessageBird uses the sender to authenticate. Therefore, the subject line is available: This will be shown as the sender of the SMS.

Example code of the template

If you want to add the template manually:

  • Name: SMSSettings: HTML format, 'Send list'-template, Add attachments to E-mail automatically: each disabledVisible at: Candidate

  • Subject: {{SMS-Sender}}

  • Content:

<cx:let name="mobileNr" value="$activity.toEmployee.mobileNumber.stringByRemovingWhitespace">
<cx:if condition="mobileNr.length>9">
{{enter your text here. Note: Texts longer than 160 characters will cost extra credits! }}
<cx:let name="to" value="${mobileNr}" expand="1"><cx:header name="to" value="$to"/></cx:let>
<cx:let name="from" value="sms@${utilities.userDefaults.Customer.lowercaseString}" expand="1"><cx:header name="from" value="$from"/></cx:let>
{{NB: Please enter a valid mobile number for this candidate}}
  • Optional: If you use markers --begin and --end, than only the part between the markers will be sent:

This text is ignored
This text will be put in the SMS
This text is ignored

For Contacts

  • Make the template visible at: Contact person

  • Change the top line into: <cx:let name="mobileNr" value="$activity.toContact.mobileNumberBusiness.stringByRemovingWhitespace">

Keywords: UD-593

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