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Modifying templates

Use templates to automate certain aspects within Carerix.

Updated over a week ago

For editing email or document templates you need experience with CxScript, HTML, programming statements, debugging. FTP might be usefull modify and upload templates. When editing templates, use an editor like Notepad++, Sublime Text, Visual Studio Code or Brackets to avoid causing errors. For more information, check the manual in your Carerix application.

Here you will find more information about Cx-Script.

Note: We can not support templates that are edited

  • Carerix does not provide training in Html, template development, FTP upload etc.

  • The helpdesk can only support email & document template debugging, error solving when a template is made by us

  • Carerix does not fix or edit templates that are modified

  • Make sure to create your own backups of templates that you choose to modify

  • Carerix cannot accept responsibility for any inconvenience which results from templates you have modified by yourself

  • Via the tab 'History' you can always go back to an earlier version

  • You can always reinstall a template from the library, your current template will be overwritten as long as it has the same name

The same applies to the emailheader and emailfooter.

Order templates

We do offer the option of template development, please contact and order custom templates at our Customer Success Team. Based on your specifications we will send you an offer.

  • Send us an example with the field names from Carerix (e.g. <NAME>, <ADDRESS>) in the layout, or send us a copy of a Library template, with specifications for customization.

  • Specify the Files where to use the template, (e.g. Candidates, Contacts etc.)

Modify document template

When a document template is located on a External URL, you can retrieve the code as follows:

  • Go to 'Maintenance' | 'Templates'

  • Go to 'Documents-tab', open the template

  • Copy the URL and paste it in your browser address bar

  • View page source (Ctrl+U), copy and paste code in editor

  • Make your changes

  • Copy the modified code

  • Make sure the document template is set to the Editor mode (so not external URL) and paste the code in the editor

Tip: when making an export template, it's best to use the following piece of code to make sure that the file will be exported as an Excel (.xls) file for example.

<cx:let name="fname" value="attachment; filename=Export.xls"><cx:header name="Content-disposition" value="$fname"/></cx:let>

You can also change this to a similar extension like a .csv or .rtf file.

This isn't possible for .xlsx and .docx files

Keywords: UD-574

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