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Global Postal search
Global Postal search

Search on distance

Updated over a week ago

Where do you find this option

  • Go to 'Files' | 'Job orders'

  • Open a 'Job order'

  • Go to tab "Candidate search"
    - Enter "Distance city" in search field
    - Enter "Within"
    - Enter "Postal code"

  • Click [Find] 

Search international

It is possible to search for files within a given radius of a specific location. This search is international, Europe and North America, and works across country-borders.

So for example in Candidates, searching for job orders, you can search for 'distance place of work - within 5 km of - postal code/country'.

Configuration (Administrator)

To enable this search for specific countries, the table-items of said countries must be given a 'Country code'. This can only be done by an Administrator of your Carerix application.

  1. Left menu 'Maintainance' | 'Tables';

  2. Search: 'Table' - 'is equal to' - 'Country';

  3. Open the specific Country table-item;

  4. Fill in the Country-code:
    (a list of available countries is mentioned at the end of this article)

For example Job order - tab 'Candidate Search': 

  1. Search: 'Distance city' - set radius

  2. Click the looking glass on the right, a popup appears to set the postal code and country.
    By default, this pop up shows the country that has been marked as 'default' at 'Maintainance' | 'Tables

  3. Click [Add]

  4. Klik [Find]

Dynamic searching

To use dynamic searching, 2 parameters need to be set, separated by comma:

  1. Postal code

  2. Table-item ID of specific country

Available countries

Distance Search is available for Europe and North America.

The entire list of countries:

  • Andorra (AD)

  • Argentina (AR)

  • American Samoa (AS)

  • Austria (AT)

  • Australia (AU)

  • Aland Islands (AX)

  • Bangladesh (BD)

  • Belgium (BE)

  • Bulgaria (BG)

  • Brazil (BR)

  • Canada (CA)

  • Switzerland (CH)

  • Costa Rica (CR)

  • Czech Republic (CZ)

  • Germany (DE)

  • Denmark (DK)

  • Dominican Republic (DO)

  • Algeria (DZ)

  • Spain (ES)

  • Finland (FI)

  • Faroe Islands (FO)

  • France (FR)

  • United Kingdom (GB)

  • French Guiana (GF)

  • Guernsey (GG)

  • Greenland (GL)

  • Guadeloupe (GP)

  • Guatemala (GT)

  • Guam (GU)

  • Croatia (HR)

  • Hungary (HU)

  • Ireland (IE)

  • Isle of Man (IM)

  • India (IN)

  • Iceland (IS)

  • Italy (IT)

  • Jersey (JE)

  • Japan (JP)

  • Liechtenstein (LI)

  • Sri Lanka (LK)

  • Lithuania (LT)

  • Luxembourg (LU)

  • Monaco (MC)

  • Moldova, Republic of (MD)

  • Marshall Islands (MH)

  • Macedonia, The Former Yugoslav Republic of (MK)

  • Northern Mariana Islands (MP)

  • Martinique (MQ)

  • Malta (MT)

  • Mexico (MX)

  • Malaysia (MY)

  • New Caledonia (NC)

  • Netherlands (NL)

  • Norway (NO)

  • New Zealand (NZ)

  • Philippines (PH)

  • Pakistan (PK)

  • Poland (PL)

  • Saint Pierre and Miquelon (PM)

  • Puerto Rico (PR)

  • Portugal (PT)

  • Reunion (RE)

  • Romania (RO)

  • Russian Federation (RU)

  • Sweden (SE)

  • Slovenia (SI)

  • Svalbard and Jan Mayen (SJ)

  • Slovakia (SK)

  • San Marino (SM)

  • Thailand (TH)

  • Turkey (TR)

  • United States (US)

  • Holy See (Vatican City State) (VA)

  • Virgin Islands, U.S. (VI)

  • Mayotte (YT)

  • South Africa (ZA)

Keywords : UD-1024

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