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Additional Attributes

Attributes | Extra fields you can add | Defined in the tables.

Updated over a week ago


For Matches, Candidates, Job orders, Contacts, Companies, Publications, Placements and Users additional attributes can be defined.

These attributes will show in the "Additional information" section of the detail page.

The attributes are defined in the tables "Attribute [module name]", for example "Attribute candidate".

For each attribute the type must be specified:

  • Text: A text field

  • Text area: A multi line text field

  • Integer: A number without decimals

  • Number: A number with two decimals

  • Date: A date field

  • Checkbox: A checkbox

  • List: A popup, single select

  • Checkbox list: A group of check boxes, multiple select

  • Radiobutton list: A group of radio buttons, single select

  • Owner's list: Predefined list with same values a an "owner" combox

  • User list: Predefined list with users which current user can see on "all users" tab

  • Agency users: Predefined list with users which current users can see on "users at my office" tab

  • Offices list: Predefined list with offices

For "Attribute candidate" you can also specify on which tab the additional attribute must show: General or Admin. For "Attribute user" you can specify if the attribute must show on the "My account" page (Visible on page checkbox). If that is not checked, the attribute is only shown on the User edit page for users that are allowed to view/edit other users.


For each attribute, you can specify an "Attribute label". This label will be used to "group" the attributes in the Additional information section of the details page. The order of the items is important, that has priority over the labels. For example, if you have five attributes, and you want to label the first two as "Group 1" and the last three as "Group 2", you add a label "Group 1" to the first two attributes, and "Group 2" to the last three attributes, and make sure the ordering is correct (the attributes labeled "Group 1" come first, and then the attributes labeled "Group 2").

Here the custom lists are defined, important is to always specify a "Code" to make sure you can reference the list without worrying about the language (in multi language Carerix systems). Without a "Code" the list won't work.

Attribute list-item

Here the items in the custom lists are defined, just like items for other tables. The list type must be specified in "List type". If list type is not specified, the item wil not show.

Usage in CxScript

To be able to use the custom lists in CxScript, these lists are added dynamically to the so called "DataNodeCache". The node type for these dataNode lists is "AttributeListType:[attribute listtype code]", so if a custom list is created with code "List1", the nodeType is "AttributeListType:List1". The lists can also be fetched directly from the database using qualifier "listType = 'List1" for example.


You need an extra attribute "Coffee preference" for a Candidate, which shows on the General tab, showing a popup "Coffee list" with values "Espresso", "Capuccino", "Latte".

  • Add an Attribute list type "Coffee list", with Code = "Coffee".

  • Add three Attribute list items "Espresso", "Capuccino" and "Latte", all with List type set to "Coffee list".

  • Add an Attribute candidate with name "Coffee preference", type "List", list type "Coffee list", show on tab "General".

When needed in CxScript, the nodeType of this list is "AttributeListType:Coffee".

Please note
To prevent problems, you should never change the type of a custom attribute after it has been used.
If you need the type to be changed, just inactivate the old attribute, and create a new one.

Keywords: UD-860

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