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Selection Tables

How to use the Selection menu's through Tables

Updated over a week ago

This document describes the usage and configuration of selection menus via the manipulation of the contents of "Tables" via the "Maintenance" menu in the Carerix Recruitment, Staffing and Corporate editions.

Always read the latest Release Notes for important maintenance add ons.

Selection menu's

Selection menu’s (also drop/pull down menu’s) are used in Carerix applications to give the user a limited set of options to set a certain value. This speeds up the process of data entry and improves the uniformity of the data in the database.


The names of the tables in the maintenance module sometimes have a name that slightly differs from the name used in the screens. They are listed below.

Sector - Branche (BRANCHE0 & BRANCHE1)

Carerix is implemented with the tables in the first two levels of the Kamers van Koophandel. Next to the sector-Branche table, it is possible to classify companies based on the BIK code table.

For more information about these possibilities you can contact the Carerix helpdesk. 

Contact - Function 

Purpose: Classify the type Contacts at Companies according to their working area. 

Suggestion: Use a limited set of values (as shown with example values), stick to the selections your contacts would you like to make, based on their functions within the organisation. Besides you can add the exact function name to the contact.

Contact - Status

Purpose: register the status of your contacts working for Companies, to support your (commercial) process.

Suggestion: you may want to keep it simple here:

  • Working

  • No longer working

P.S.: From Release 38 on it is possible to make a contact switch company if this is necessary.

Company - Status 

Purpose: give a status to the Company records, to support the commercial process. For example a hunting ground.

P.S.: This Company-status has no software connection to the contact-status. 

Key account

Purpose: attribute a segmentation (or commercial ‘importance’) to Company, for support of your (commercial) process. Note that this field is extra to the company-status field, so its values should possibly be applicable to both clients and prospects.

Suggestion: use the often used AA, A, B and C values or other segmentation keys, like Very Important, Important, Normal and so on. (Note that Key Account is additional to Company Status and Company Industry/Sector)

Note: Key account is empty by default, so you will not see the selection menu at the company screen, basic tab.

Job order - Status

Purpose: Register the process status of each Job order to support your process. In a sense, a job order is a request and therefore needs to be processed as such by setting the status.


  • The acquisition/commercial process is registered at Company-status (lead/prospect/customer...).

  • A commercial order process, or the internal Job order process, is registered per vacancy with Vacancy-status (offered/open/filled/lost to competitor).

  • The recruitment/applicant tracking process is registered with the colour-coded stages. With the stages, you register the recruitment process; the follow up status of a candidate for a specific Job order is set in a so-called Match.

  • The usability and availability of a candidate in general (in contrast to: for a specific job order) is set with Candidate-status (new/job searcher/in procedure/black list).

Candidate - Status

Purpose: Set the status of a Candidate in order to support the matching process. The status of a candidate is separate from the match stage of the current application(s) for specific vacancy(ies).

See example values:

P.S.: The user has to set the candidate status manually.
P.S.: This field is invisible to the candidate.
P.S.: There is an additional field called "Candidate Category" that can be used to label candidates. This menu is empty by default and thus not shown in the candidate edit screen. 

Candidate - Category 

Purpose: Separation of Candidates into categories, for a suitable treatment for the different groups of candidates. 

Suggestion: See Example values below. 

In Carerix this table is initially empty and thus not shown.

P.S.: In the software there are no consequences to setting Candidate Category. However, candidates can be filtered on category.
P.S.: A candidate can only belong to one category. If you need to be able to attach more than one category to a candidate, use the ‘groups’ mechanism.
P.S.: This field is invisible to the candidate when logged in.

In case you have no use for Candidate Category, leave all values empty. The selection menu is then not shown.


Purpose: to indicate at a Job order what kind of process for application should be followed. Likewise for Candidates, you can indicate the primary deployment of the candidate.

P.S.: Per procedure, a workflow (=a number of sequential stages) may be defined. For a stage you can define whether this stage applies to one specific product-group, or all product-groups. For example differences between the processes of recruitment and contracting.

Functiongroup & Function (FUNCTION0 & FUNCTION1) 

Purpose: Indicate the structured functions to Candidates and Job orders.

Suggestion: Upon delivery of your fresh installment of the Carerix system, a set of commonly used functions, grouped by function-groups, are available as a starting point. You should carefully analyse the needs in respect to your working field, specialisms and local settings. Inspiration may be found by analyzing the job classifications at your local job boards (e.g. Monsterboard). 

TIP: When the user starts searching for candidates, in the "Search Candidates" tab of a vacancy, initially an automatic pre-selection is shown of candidates that have matching functions. Therefore, it pays to classify candidates by using functiongroups/functions if you use file search frequently (as opposed to using fresh applicants only) within your operations.


If you have activated Business Units, the Function group becomes the second level in the function tree instead of being the first level. So each Business Unit has its own set of function groups. See Business Units for more details. Use Business Units only after consulting with your Carerix contacts.


Purpose: classifying the educations of candidates in a structured way.

Suggestion: Carerix delivers at implementation a list of educations, but as the educational situation differs in each country, it is best for you to check and complete the list. Look at local job boards (e.g. Monsterboard) for inspiration.

If you have a list of educations in an Excel sheet, the helpdesk can upload these into your system for you. The excel sheet must reflect the 3-levels structure.
Consult the Customer Success Team for details.

Language, Language Skills

Purpose: register language skills of candidates in a structured manner.

Suggestion: Upon delivery of your system Carerix provides a list of languages. You prune this list back so that it contains only languages useful for your operations.

Note: The language skills may be part of an automatically generated resume.

In the tab ‘Skills’ of a candidate record, the languages part looks like the image below.


Summary: Skill0 is the skills group or set. Skill1 is the skill itself. Skill2 contains the qualifications.

For each Skill2 you indicate all skills that this qualification applies to. In the example below, the skill2 Good is only shown with the skill C/C++.

Purpose: to register skills of a candidate in a structured manner.

Suggestion: Carerix upon delivery of your system delivers a list of skills. Probably, you may want to prune this list back so that it contains only languages useful for your operations.

TIP: If you have to register IT skills, like Java, Oracle, C++ and so on, this skills mechanism is the place to do that.

NB: The skills may be part of an automatically generated resume.

NB: You may use skills to register 'hard' skills, like the knowledge of certain software programs. However, this is also the place to register ‘soft’ skills of candidates (like expressive skills).


Purpose: Register the courses and training the candidate followed.

Suggestion: Upon delivery of your system Carerix provides a list of training possibilities. You prune this list back so that it contains only training useful for your operations.

P.S.: Training can be part of an automatically generated resume/profile.

Task-type, Note-type and Meeting-type 

In case you see no need for a list, leave it empty. Only use these lists if you actively monitor your staff on these activities, as part of normal operations.

Purpose: To classify different categories of tasks, notes and meetings.


  • Keep the number of options to a minimum, or don’t use the task-, notes-, and and meeting type at all. Only activate it if you want to enforce your recruiters to set all these values for activities management purposes.

  • For commercial organisations it may be fitting to make tasks and meeting types like acquisition, customer management, candidate-contact.

  • For HR departments of corporate organisations it may be fitting to make task and meeting types like candidate-contact, recruitment, internal, policy making.

Task-result, Note-result and Meeting-result 

If you see no immediate use for these lists in your operations, keep them empty. The corresponding menus will not be shown to you users.

Carerix is delivered without any types or results

Group - Candidate

You can define a number of groups, and ascribe candidate to these groups. So a candidate may have more than one group. The groups are visible on the overview column shown on the general tab, in the right of the screen. They appear as check boxes that the recruiter can check or uncheck.

NB: Carerix is configured without any groups. Therefore, you will not see the heading "Groups" in the blue column on the general tab of the candidate details screen. At least 1 group must exist for the heading to appear.

Suggestions for usage for Candidate groups:

  • Christmas card: YES/NO

  • Newsletter: YES/NO

Group - Contacts 

You may define groups for contacts. If you open a contact record, you will see (general tab) each group listed with a check box next to it. The user checks all groups to which this contact belongs.

Carerix is configured without any groups, So on the general tab of the details screen of contacts you will not see a heading "Groups" in the right column.

Group - Users

Similar to Group-Contacts, you may define groups that appear on the Users page. These are groups meant for the users of your Carerix, for example your colleagues.

Carerix has no groups for users pre-defined. You will not see the heading "Groups" in the blue column on the right side in the details screen of user.

Other tables 

In the previous chapter, the most used tables were treated, as well the menu’s that have a specific structure (like skills) or usage (like groups).

There are more selection menus in Carerix. Not all of them appear in all editions of Carerix.

  • Nationality

  • Contract-type

  • Credit-status

  • Expenses

  • Health Insurance

  • Payment terms

  • Payment method

  • Mailing status

  • Accounttype

  • ….

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