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Email Settings

All possible email settings

Updated over a week ago

Carerix is a CRM system for recruiters and personnel intermediaries. Sending and receiving email from and to candidates and vacancy holders can be done from within Carerix. With Carerix you can do so quite efficiently because:

  • Using templates for standard messages (e.g. rejecting a candidate)

  • Messages will automatically be archived in the relevant files of the candidate, employer etc.

So, Carerix has a fully integrated email system. Therefore it is possible (and least complicated) to work without a separate email client (like Outlook or Gmail).

Your mailbox and POP/IMAP

Everyone has his own mailbox. This mailbox can be found at your Internet Service Provider (ISP). So, there is a mailbox behind your email address as well.

All messages addressed to you arrive at your mailbox first. Then you read the messages from this mailbox using a so called email client, like Outlook, Mozilla Thunderbird etc.

For the communication between the mailbox and your email client you most commonly use "IMAP" (and sometimes "POP"/"POP3"). Reade more information about the differences between POP and IMAP.


The methods below are based on the assumption that you've received the following from your email provider:

In most cases, clients choose to either only use Carerix for reading email, or to let a synchronization happen with their e-mail program (like Outlook or Gmail), or their smartphone mail program. 

Syncing between Carerix and a mail program/device
(Outlook, Gmail, etc.)

Do you want to synchronize between Carerix and your mail software for your business email? Take the following steps:

  • Open the user file (either go to "My account" on the top right of your screen, or as an Administrator, go to "Users" and open the user file) 

  • Scroll to "Email settings", fill in the address of the mail server in the field at mail server (e.g. See the image below for a screenshot. 

  • User name: fill in the username that you have been given - usually this is your full e-mail address. 

  • Fill in your password for your e-mail server

  • Type mail server: choose IMAP

  • Choose the following settings:
    [x] Fetch email from mail server
    [_] Keep a copy... - is greyed out, this option is only available for POP mail.
    [x] Security (None/SSL/TLS) → Always try to choose TLS if it's possible.
    If not choose SSL. For security reasons we strongly advise not to use 'None'.

  • Click the "Edit folders" button directly below. The system will now find the existing folders on your mail server so they can be synchronized with Carerix. Please note: When the message "An unknown error occurred while getting the mail from your mail server" appears, you've filled in the wrong information - for example a wrong password.

  • Find the right Carerix folders with the names on your mail server (eg. "Sent folder" in Carerix mail → corresponds with → "[Gmail]Sent files" on the mail server. 

Carerix only 

In this situation all email (in- and outbound) is handled by Carerix: As soon as the user logs in into Carerix, he will see the latest messages. Make sure you fill in the outgoing email address in the User card, otherwise the outgoing email address will show as name@yourcompany.mail.

Carerix and MS-Outlook (with MS-Exchange)

If your organization is using Exchange there are two ways to receive your email in Carerix: 

  • Activate a POP-connector or IMAP-connector (Exchange SBS 2003 or 3rd party).

    • Configure it

    • POP/IMAP server

    • username:  (if you have an account on our server, use the complete email address, e.g. '')

    • password: Your password

  • Click on the Advanced tab:
    [x] Leave a copy of messages on the server
    [x] Remove from server after 7 days

  • Go to Carerix, to the user file, scroll to email settings and choose
    [x] Fetch E-mail from mail server SET
    [x] Keep a copy of fetched emails on the mail server SET
    [x] Secure connection (SSL) ← Connect through port 995:

    Make sure all emails are coming into Carerix securely. Not having a secure connection with your mail server strongly disadvised.
    Mentioned at 'Carerix and Outlook'; Both Exchange and Carerix will now fetch the e-mail from a POP or IMAP server.

Example: For every email that arrives at the Exchange server for '' a copy will be forwarded to '', which will arrive in Carerix. In the latter case, you will leave the messages in the server for a while, so that both Carerix and Outlook have the opportunity to fetch the messages from the server.
The setting "remove after 7 days' will make sure the messages are deleted in the end, otherwise your mailbox will fill up.

IP access

To find out which IP addresses are needed to make sure

Carerix and Google/Gmail

To configure Carerix email synchronization with Google/Gmail, please follow these instructions: email synchronization with Gmail 2-step authentication

Email address for sender 

A user in Carerix can have any address that will be used as "from" address. 

Email address for incoming messages 

Every user in Carerix has two email addresses: 

Tip: Only one POP/IMAP account is available per user. If you want to receive email from multiple POP/IMAP accounts you have to arrange this yourself outside Carerix. For example: forward email from one address to the POP address that is configured in Carerix. 

Email aliases 

Handling generic email addresses should be configured outside of the Carerix system. For example through distribution lists or aliases on the email server. Ask your email provider to set these up with you. 

Policy and tips

  • Please ascertain for yourself: Are the email and agenda functions in Carerix adequate to stop using Outlook?

  • Some Carerix customers choose to keep two email addresses:

  • on the business card, email sent to this address arrives in Outlook

  • is the from-address in Carerix and also the address from which email will enter Carerix through POP or IMAP. This division works because 90% of the messages entering Carerix is a reply on a message sent from Carerix. So, your contacts do not knowingly have to handle two email addresses.

Handling sensitive messages 

Emails that arrive in Carerix can me flagged as "private". From that moment on, the message is invisible to others.

Incoming messages that have "confidential" in the subject are automatically flagged as private. A reply to a private email is also flagged private upon arrival. Until the "confidential" box is unchecked, the whole conversation thread will remain confidential, and invisible to other users.

Automatic confidentiality:

  • Check the Confidential (Incoming emails are set to confidential by default) at the Candidate or Contact modules. This way, all emails sent from this candidate or contact will automatically be set to "confidential.

  • If one of your users always wants to send "private" mail from Carerix that is not visible to other Carerix users, you can set their default incoming/outgoing messages to confidential in the User file.
    As Administrator, open the User file
    Check one or both of the following options:
    Incoming Email Confidential (Incoming emails are set to confidential by default)
    Outgoing Email Confidential (Outgoing emails are set to confidential by default)


Carerix provides email capabilities that are tailored to the work of the personnel intermediary. We strongly suggest you to use Outlook alongside Carerix only if there are very strong reasons to do so.

Keywords: UD-74

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