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Mailing with group

How to send a mail to a selection of Candidates or Contacts

Updated over a week ago

With Carerix you can easily send an Email to a group Candidates or Contacts.


As example we give the situation where you want to send a change of address to a selection contacts.

Adjusting and sending existing Email template.

In this example we're working with the standard library template "Blank to contactperson".

  • Go to 'Files' | 'Contactpersons'

  • Go to the Contactpersons Overview and select the checkbox in front of one or more Contactpersons

  • Select under "Choose Email" the template :"Blank to contactperson". The Email frame opens.

  • Click on the button [Edit] fill the fields;

  • When you had selected multiple contactpersons, each will recieve their own email addressed to them personnaly. We don't use bcc emails, each contactperson will get a seperate email. 

  • Click the button [Generate} emails to send the messages. When you want to first test the content of a message, you can use the "Send example" to an address.

As our second example we take the situation where you want to send an address-change to multiple contactpersons:

Create an Email template

An Carerix admin is able to create new templates.

  • Go to 'Maintenance' | 'Templates'

  • Create a new Email Template
    Name: Change of Address
    Visible with: Contact

Email template testing

  • Go to 'Files' | 'Contacts'

  • Go to the overview of Contacts and select one ore more Contacts

  • Select at "Send email(s)" the template "Change of Address".
    The email screen opens.

  • Check whether the message is alright.
    If that is not the case click [Cancel] and change the template.
    Iterate this proces until the template is alright.

  • Is the message okay?
    Then fill in your own email address at "Email address for test" and click [send].

  • Check whether you received your Email.
    If the email is not okay, change the Template until it is correct.

Send Mailing

The idea is that you have for the Contact a group 'Newsletter'.
And you decided to send everyone in this group an change of address.

  • Go to 'Files' | 'Contacts'

  • Select the Contacts with the next searchrule:
    Group is equal to "Newsletter"

  • Select at Send Email(s) the Template "Change of address".
    Now the email screen opens.

  • Click [Generate emails].
    All email messages are now generated. After this the Email messages automatically are going to be send. It could take some time before all messages are being send.


  • Send a message to a selection of the Candidates works like this:
    In the Template with Visible with fill in : Candidate
    Insert Candidate instead of Contact in the instructions here above.

  • This way you can send an Email to a couple of thousand receivers.
    If this number is larger, then you have to split the list.

    You can do that according to the instructions below:
    Add as search-criterium: lastname starting with a b c
    Now that you have a shorter list, send the email.
    Repeat this proces for the lastname: lastname starts with d e f, g h i etc. until you have run through the complete alphabet.

  • Make sure that the Template chooses the correct address: Business or Private;
    With Candidates it is normal that only a private address is filled in
    With Contacts only a business address

    To be sure that the just notified process elapses well, you can click the checkbox at: Use other email address if not available: If one address is not filled in, Carerix takes the other address.


  • Choose in the Template with Visible at for the "Contact" and not for the "Contact (CAMPAIGN)".
    This last named option makes the Template available in a Contact-file.

Keywords: UD-2052

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