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Search lines

Everything you need to know about Search Lines

Updated over a week ago

Search lines are the lines you use to find the right files and criteria within the Carerix database. By combining your search lines you create powerful search strings. This article deals with how those combinations of search lines actually work and which criteria can be used to search through the system.

When searching, Carerix adheres to the following rules: 

  • Multiple search lines are combined with AND
    Your search result will contain file objects that adhere to searchline1 AND searchline2 AND searchline3, and so on.

  • Multiple words (separated by a space) as value in a searchline are combined with OR
    The search result contains files that contain word1 OR word2 OR word3... and so on.
    Are you looking for tekst that is separated by spaces? Make sure that the words in the tekst are seen as separate search strings. Combine the words together between quotation marks. Example: "project manager".

Set up search line

Every search line consists of the following objects:

  • Field (the drop down menu, is set by default to "Whole file")

  • Operator (what are the criteria that your search needs to adhere to? "is equal to", "contains all", "does not contain"...) 

  • Value (type what you want to find here)

  • Buttons (these are the icons next to the value line)

The chosen value field decides the available buttons, these are one or more of the following:

  • Date (for date fields)

  • Dropdown menu (for dropdown options, or tick box fields)

The chosen field also decides the type of search line, one of the following:

  • Text

  • Dropdown menu

  • Date

  • Choice yes/no (also called boolean)

  • Tick boxes

  • Words 

Search field: text

Examples of text search lines are: Name, City, Notes, etc. These are fields where the users types the information in by themselves.

Search field: dropdown menu

Examples of search fields that come in a dropdown menu are Status, Category, Procedure, etc. These are fields where the user chooses values from a list. In search lines that use the dropdown option, an icon of a magnifying glass appears. Click the icon and make your choice from the dropdown menu that appears. This choice is now automatically filled in in the search lines. 

It is also possible to manually type a value in the search line, although it's recommended to then choose "contains" as operator instead of "is equal to", because then you can choose to fill in part of the value instead of having to type out the whole value exactly. 

Search field: date

Examples of date fields in Carerix are: Birth date, Last contact, etc. These are fields where the user fills in a date. In searchlines for dates an icon is available to call up a calendar, in which the desired date can be selected. The selected date is then filled into the search line. Please note that you set the right operator; "is on or after". "is before", "is on"... 

Search field: tick boxes

This is a special field because the value that is going to be used for the search, is decided by a form with tick boxes. This form is called up with a button next to the search line. This button will appear as an option for selection in the following fields: "Skills.Skill" and "Language.Skill". When choosing this option, a form with tick boxes appears that give you the option to easily choose combinations of skills, sub-skills and levels.

Please note: before values have been ticked, the value field will say "Make a selection with the magnifier glass button". When the values are ticked, it will say "Selection is active". The ticked values do not show directly, but will be taken into account for the search. 

Search field: choice

Examples of choice fields are Attachment present, End stage, etc. For a choice field the only available operators are "is Yes", and "is No".

This field does not offer the opportunity to fill in a value yourself; the system decides based on the value whether there is indeed an attachment or not.

Search field: free text/CV attachment 

In contrary to the main rule the search field for free text and/or CV attachments is set up as follows: 

  • [field] contains all [term1 term2 term3]
    The search result has to contain ALL given words, so word1 AND word2 AND word 3. In the example below the system will search for the terms sales manager AND acquisition;

  • [field] contains any of [term1 term2 term3]
    The search result must contain one of the given terms, so OR term1 OR term2 OR term3. In the example below the system will search for the terms sales manager OR acquisition;

Please note:
"sales manager" is between quotation marks to group the terms together.
If not, then the system would search in the upper example for sales AND manager AND acquisition, and in the lower example for sales OR manager OR acquisition


A file (Company, Candidate,..) can be related to parts like Educations, Work experience, and Matches. Searching for this can be twofold: through tick boxes (see above) or through general search lines.

Combining search lines

When you use more than one search line, they are executed in combination with each other. So searching candidates with searchline1 Skills.Skill is equal to SAP + searchline2 Status is equal to "New" will give you results that adhere to both these rules. 

You will not find candidates without the skill SAP or without the status of New.


If there are Fields (the old Business Lines) defined in your system, then these rules also apply for the search fields of Field, Status, Owner, Owner.Office and Contacts. These can have a Status and Owner per field, which combines the search lines. 

No relation objects?

What if the field you're searching for has not been noted in the files? e.g. what if you're searching for a certain Region that the candidate needs to live in, and the region has not been noted down in the candidate file? Then you will not find the file in question in this search.

The 'Not' search line  

What if there is just 1 search line for one of the relations that contain "is not equal to" or "does not contain"? Then the search result will contain certain results that don't have any relation to the search line. The system does not follow the rule; it doesn't search dossier objects with at least 1 relation object that cope with the search line. 

Are there 2 or more search lines for one of the relation objects? Then the system follows the rule and the search result will contain objects with at least 1 relation that corresponds to the search lines.


  • Empty your search lines by clicking the Clear all button. 

  • Click New line to create extra search lines and sharpen your search.


Keywords: UD-1304

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