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Google for Jobs

Everything you'll need to know about Google for Jobs & Carerix

Updated over a week ago

Carerix is ready for Google for Jobs. For Google for Jobs to index the vacancies on your website you need to do two things: A technical adjustment on your website and some changes in your publication texts in your application.

The two parts you'll need to edit yourself, are the website and the publication texts. Eager to find out how you can do this? We've put the 5 most asked question in a row for you.

What does Google want to know?

With every published vacancy your website will send structured data to Google. This piece of code has to adhere to a few requirements. In the first place it is important that the information in the job order you're sending along is the same as your publication texts. Furthermore there are 10 things Google would like to know. Of those 10, 6 are required and 4 would be nice to have.

Required technical data

  • Date of the publication

  • A full description of the job order in HTML. Note: this is including responsibilities, work detail and what the employer is offering.

  • Company name. Are you using the term ‘the Employer’? Google will punish you with a (small) deduction point.

  • The exact location where the candidate will be working

  • A good job title

  • An application deadline (job order end date)

Preferred technical data

  • Salary. You can use a minimum or a maximum salary. If you don’t include this information Google will find similar job orders and estimate an average.

  • Employment type. Is the job order fulltime, part time, temporary?

  • Job order ID. Your own reference to the job order.

  • Work location. A field specially made for job orders where the candidate will only work remote.

Can my job orders be found?

Carerix will offer your structured job order data to your website. The website will need to make sure this data can be indexed so Google can make use of it.

Do you have a website with our WordPress Plugin?

When you're using the WordPress Plugin from Carerix, your website is ready for Google for Jobs by default. You can always undo this by unchecking the checkmark to disable 'Google for Jobs support'.

The WordPress Plugin can pass the name of the company along to Google for Jobs, this depends on whether or not the box 'Anonymous job order' is checked.

You can also choose to replace the name of the company by the name of your company.

Technical details WordPress plugin & Google for Jobs

  • Checked in Carerix: Anonymous job order » no company information to Google for Jobs

  • Checked in Carerix: Publish Salary » salary data will be passed along to Google for Jobs

Field mapping (Google » Carerix):

  • description » intro

  • datePosted » pubdate

  • validThrough » endDate

  • hiringOrganization » company (indien niet anonym)

  • jobLocation:place:address: addressLocality » worklocation

  • jobLocation:place:address: addressRegion » region

  • jobLocation:place:address: postalCode » postalCode

  • jobLocation:place:address: addressCountry» country

If only minSalary or maxSalary have been filled:

  • baseSalary:value » minSalary (if maxSalary is empty) or maxSalary (if minSalary is empty)

If minSalary and maxSalary have been filled:

  • baseSalary:minValue » minSalary

  • baseSalary:maxValue » maxSalary

  • currency » salaryCurrency

  • unitText » salaryPeriodClassification (if HourTag » HOUR, DayTag » DAY, WeekTag » WEEK, MonthTag » MONTH and YearTag » YEAR)

Can I check if my website contains structured data?

Yes, this is possible. Check via how the publications on your website are structured and how well your publications are optimized.

Note: are you only being show the results of 'WebPage'? This means your data is not yet structured and Google can't specify if the page contains a job post. Contact your web developer.

What should my publication text look like?

We've got 5 tips for you to help you write the optimal publication texts.

  • Use the correct job title.
    With the free Google Trends Tool you can find the job title that's most used as a search term in Google.

  • Start the publication text with a discerning and attractive intro.
    The first 5 to 25 lines are very important! This is where you'll need to describe your job value proposition: why should the target audience choose your publication?

  • Keep the attention.
    Do's: active writing, use words that fit in with the target audience, use pull factors and movement motifs.
    Don'ts: itch words, open doors, clichés and long texts.

  • Use relevant search terms.
    Always give out the salary and the currency and avoid terms like 'competitive' or 'fitting with your experience'. If you still choose to not display the salary Google will make a guess based on other publications and display a range.

I'd like to know more about the technical side of Google. Where can I find the technical documentation?

You can find all the technical documentation via Google Developers. Click here for all the documentation regarding Google for Jobs.

Keywords: UD-3025

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