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Jobs Dashboard (pilot)
Updated over a week ago

⚠️Please note:

  • Only data that the respective user is allowed to see according to their user role permissions is shown in the dashboard.

The Jobs Dashboard provides key insights into the job orders within your system. It includes counters for active and other job orders, the average number of matches per job, and the number of jobs created in the last week, month, quarter, and year. Additionally, it features four graphs that offer insights into the top 10 jobs with the most matches and placements, active jobs per recruiter, client, and source, as well as a bar chart that shows the trend for the total number of jobs created per year, month, or quarter. The Jobs Dashboard delivers a wealth of information that can be used for both management purposes and the daily work of recruiters.

Active Jobs & Other Jobs Charts

The Active Jobs & Other Jobs Charts show the number of jobs in your system that have a status which is indicated to be an active one. In this way you get an easy insight into how many jobs are considered active, on which you should work actively and how many other jobs there are.

Criteria to be included in the active/other jobs counters:

✅ Job is not archived

✅ Active Jobs: Job has a status that has the 'isActiveTag' assigned

✅ Other Jobs: Job has a status that has the 'isActiveTag' not assigned

✅ Job is not a template job

✅ Job is not an open application

⚠️ Note: jobs can be set confidential. If that is the case, the record can only be seen, found and counted in the Carerix user interface by its owner. In the dashboard however, the job will be included in the count for active/inactive jobs. This can lead to dicrepancies between the counts in the dashboard and the Carerix user interface. Note that apart from the count, no additional information is given in the dashboard.

Average Matches per Active Job Chart

What is the average number of matches on your currently active jobs.

Criteria to be included in the calculation:

✅ Job has a status that has the 'isActiveTag' assigned

✅ Job is not archived

✅ Job is not a template job

✅ Job is not an open application

Created Jobs per Last Week/Month/Quarter/Year Charts

How many new jobs have been created over the last week, month, quarter or year.

Criteria to be included in the calculation:

✅ Creation date of job is within last week/month/quarter/year

✅ Job is not a template job

✅ Job is not an open application

Top 10 Active Jobs with Most Matches chart

On which active jobs you have the most matches and how many matches are there is presented in this chart.

Criteria to be included in this chart:

✅ Job is not archived

✅ Job is not indicated as an open application

✅ Job is not indicated as a job template

✅ Job has to be active (status with VacancyActiveTag)

Top 10 Active Jobs with Most Placements Chart

On which active jobs you have the most placements and how many placements are there per job is presented in this chart.

Criteria to be included in this chart:

✅ Job is not archived

✅ Job is not indicated as an open application

✅ Job is not indicated as a job template

✅ Job has to be active (status with VacancyActiveTag)

Active Jobs per Recruiter Chart

How many active jobs per recruiter, company or source are in your system. Helps you to see which recruiter/user works on the most jobs, at which company you have the most open jobs and which job source provides you with the most jobs.

Criteria to be included in the calculation:

✅ Job is not archived

✅ Job is not indicated as an open application

✅ Job is not indicated as a job template

✅ Job has to be active (status with VacancyActiveTag)

Jobs Created Per Year/Quarter/Month chart

The Jobs Created Per Year/Quarter/Month chart provides insight in the trend of newly created jobs in your system per chosen period of time.

Criteria to be included in the calculation:

✅ Job is not archived

✅ Job is not indicated as an open application

✅ Job is not indicated as a job template

✅ Job has to be active (status with VacancyActiveTag)

Dashboard Filters

It is possible to filter all the charts on a selected period of time:

  • Company

  • Office

  • Vacancy Owner

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