⚠️Please note:
For tracked Meetings, Notes, and Tasks, the creation date is the date that is counted. We are working on a chart that tracks the deadline/expiration date of these activities.
For tracked match stages, statuses etc. the activity report will count for the user that makes the actual change. E.g. when user X sets a stage to value Y this activity will be counted for this particular user, despite a possible different user being the owner of the particular file.
The activity reports gather information from various places in your database, which complicates its technical functioning. Users and agencies contribute to this complexity, especially when their numbers are high. It may be tempting to measure many activities. However, be advised that the more activities you measure, the greater the impact on your dashboard's performance. The same applies to the period of time you want to measure: the longer the period, the longer it will take to retrieve your data.
For the proper functioning of this dashboard, your Carerix system needs to be configured. Read more on how to configure your Carerix system to use activity reports in this dedicated article
My Activity Dashboard
The My Activity Dashboard (Recruiter) is a handy tool to provide insights to the individual user on how many activities of different types s/he has registered in Carerix over a given period of time. This dashboard only is able to show the data of the current user and is intended to be used by individual users for individual purposes only. If you ar interested in having insights on different (selections of) users, one should refer to the Activities Dashboard (Teams).
Dashboard Charts
The My Activity Dashboard (Recruiter) consists of the following charts providing you with the following information.
My Activity by Type Trend
The Activity by Type Trend chart shows a stacked bar showing the total number of activities stacked per type of activity per the given period of time (default: this month).
Criteria for activities to be included in the chart:
✅ Only activities that are configured with a MIS code can be shown in this chart.
✅ Only activities of which the current user is the owner in Carerix are shown
My Activity by Type Pie chart
The My Activity by Type Pie Chart plots all different types of activites in a pie.
Criteria for activities to be included in the chart:
✅ Only activities that are configured with a MIS code can be shown in this chart.
✅ Only activities of which the current user is the owner in Carerix are shown
My Activity by Type Table
The My Activity by Type Table is basically a copy of the legacy Carerix Activity Report and show per type of activity the total number of registered activities per day/week/month (depending on selected filters). It also provides the totals of the accumulated activities per type and per period.
Criteria for activities to be included in the chart:
✅ Only activities that are configured with a MIS code can be shown in this chart.
✅ Only activities of which the current user is the owner in Carerix are shown
Dashboard Filters
It is possible to filter all the charts on the following parameters:
Last 14 Days
Last 3 Calendar Months
Last 30 Days
Last 6 Calendar Months
Last 60 Days
Last 7 Days
Last 90 Days
Last Calendar Month
Last Calendar Year
Last Week
Next Month
Rolling 12 Months
Rolling 24 Months
Rolling 6 Months
This Month
This Month Last Year
This Week
This Week Last Year
This Year
Activity type
Depending on the activities that have been configured wity a MIS code to be available in the Activity Reports.
⚠️Please note:
Time filters not always apply to all charts as the nature of a chart not always fits specific (period of) time filters.