Calendar synchronization with Google/G Suite: add Carerix as a 'Trusted App'
Google | G Suite | oAuth2
To enable the new Calendar synchronization between Google/G Suite and Carerix, Google requires you to list the Carerix "Meetings Sync" as a 'Trusted App' in your Google/G Suite account.
In this article we explain how to make Carerix a trusted app in your Google/G Suite account.
Instruction steps to make Carerix a trusted app - to be taken by your Google admin:
Login to or
Click on Add App - a drop down with three options will show
Select the option "oAuth App name or Client ID"
A pop up will appear: copy/paste or type the correct Client ID and click on search:
The new Carerix Calendar "Meetings sync"
Select the found Carerix application and click on add:
Check that the "App Name" that appears in the list is "Meetings Sync".
Make sure that "Meetings sync" is a 'Trusted' app and is allowed to use all Google services
Important: Not having Meetings sync listed as a trusted app in your Google/G Suite domain will result in not functioning Calendar synchronization.