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Technical Information WordPress plugin
Technical Information WordPress plugin
Updated over a week ago

WordPress Plugin

Table of Contents

  • Application Token

    • Carerix WordPress plugin - Technical information

    • Requirements

    • Installation

      • Initial Steps

      • Installing the Carerix Plugin

      • Installing Email templates

      • Change ApplyURL to website

    • Updating the Plugin

    • Uninstall the Plugin

    • Features

    • Usage

      • Settings

      • Forms

      • Sources

      • Diagnostics (since v3.0.0)

      • Extra/Additional Carerix fields support (since v3.0.0)

      • Google for Jobs (since v2.15.0)

      • Job Conversion Tracking (since v2.15.0)

      • Taxonomies

      • Shortcodes

  • Release Notes

    • Upcoming release

      • Stable version

      • Previous versions

    • Known Issues

      • Whitelisted Plugins or Themes

      • Blacklisted Plugins or Themes

    • Issue tracking

Application Token

You'll ask for the Application Token to authorize the Carerix plugin with your Carerix Application (

You'll have to ask your customer to contact Carerix support to ask for a Token.
Carerix will not be able to provide you the Application token, as this is the authorization procedure.

Carerix WordPress plugin - Technical information


  • Mandatory:

    • Linux OS

    • Apache 2.x (NGINX is not supported)

    • PHP 7.4 - 8.2

      • cURL

      • OpenSSL

      • JSON

    • MySQL 5 or higher / MariaDB

  • Recommended PHP memory limit:

    • 128 MB (for sites with lightweight themes / few plugins)

    • 256 MB (for regular sites)

    • 512 MB or higher (for sites with heavyweight themes/ many plugins)

May 2023 The (latest) Carerix Wordpress Plugin has been tested for Wordpress versions up to 6.2


Initial Steps

To create a new website based on WordPress and connect it to the Carerix System, follow this steps:

  1. Download the latest WordPress

  1. Install and configure your WordPress

  1. Download the stable version of the CxWordPress plugin as a zip package from the section Release Notes below

Installing the Carerix Plugin

  • Make sure the hosting environment meets the technical requirements (described earlier)

  • Define the hosting' PHP memory limit in the Wordpress configuration file wp-config.php -> define('WP_MEMORY_LIMIT', 'xxxM'); where xxx is the PHP memory limit expressed in megabytes

  • Go to Plugins » Add New » Upload

    • locate the archive you have just saved

    • click Install

  • When the upload is completed, click on the “Activate Plugin” link

  • Go to the Settings > Permalinks panel and choose any of the options listed.

  • Do NOT put your site url in the permalinks slot. You must use one of the structure tags, or a combination of tags only.

    • Make sure you don't cache the Vacancy Posts with caching plugins like W3 total cache, Comet cache, Rocket cache.

  • Check your Administration Panels or WordPress blog to see if the Plugin is working.

  • Follow the instructions in the Settings section to setup de plugin.

Installing Email templates

You need to have these email templates installed to make full use of the plugin: Email codes (System, CxWordPress)

Change ApplyURL to website

Don't forget to change the ApplyURL, so that links in emailtemplates are directed to the website instead of cxportal. (Settings –> Attributes and fields –> Apply_url)<cx:write value="$publication.publicationID"/>

This will generate

and show the according Vacancy publication on the website

Updating the Plugin

  1. Make sure to make a backup of your website before updating the plugin which is good practice for updating WordPress plugins. Also check your Website after updating.

  2. In Wordpress dashboard → Plugins, locate the Carerix Wordpress Plugin

  3. If there's an update available you can click on the 'Update now' link

Uninstall the Plugin

  • Deactivate

    • Go to Plugins section

    • Find the plugin,

    • Click on Deactivate

  • Remove the plugin

    • Go to Plugins section

    • Find the plugin,

    • Click on Deactivate, if the plugin is active

    • Click on Delete


  • List Job orders

  • List Candidates

  • (Custom) Apply Forms

  • Shortcodes

  • WPML Integration


First of all. If you experience PHP warnings/notices, please suppress these messages by using the setting

define( 'WP_DEBUG', false );

More info:



The credentials can be set in the Settings section of the Carerix plugin. They consist of the Carerix Application Name and Application Token. If you do not have an Application Token, you can follow this Activate API for WordPress to generate one.

Click on Save changes button to save the credentials.

Location Reporting

If you check the Allow the plugin to report its location, the plugin will periodically send data about the location of where the plugin was installed back to Carerix.

Manual Synchronization

The data that exists in WordPress is periodically updated (every 10 minutes) to reflect the actual data in the system. You can use the Synchronize Now button to manually initiate the synchronize mechanism, if you want to see the changes immediately.


In the Forms section you can define different apply forms to be used for different kind of publications.

When you first install the plugin, a default form named Form 1 will be added automatically. This default form can be changed and saved.

Form 1 (default form)

Default form has the following fields set:

Field Name



Last name



First name



Last name at birth















Marital status



Date of birth



Place of birth



Country of birth






Function level












Extra document






Home Phone



Work Phone



Contact Instructions



Home address



Alternative address



Ambition & Availability















Motivation & Source



Remember Me



Creating a New Form

  • To create a New Form go to Carerix » Forms and click on the Add new

  • This action will open an editing screen for a new form.


The first input field is the name of the form to help the web builder identify it when using it.


  • In the Form Options panel, you'll be able to set each field available for a form as Visible or Required. If you set a field as Required, it will also be Visible. The Last Name and Email fields can not be changed, and both are set to be Required.

  • After you set the status of each field as you want, click on the Save button.

  • The edit screen will re-display, with your choices remembered and a new section above the options displaying the shortcode to use if you want to display this form for an open application.

Synchronize with Carerix

The Synchronize with Carerix button checks if fields that use values from the Carerix System are available. For example, if it can not find any values for the Nationality field, that field will be disabled.

Change the form of a specific Source

Connect a form to the 'Source' of regular Vacancy posts as follows:

  • Go to Sources

  • Open the specific Source that you want the new form to use with

  • Scroll down to Publication Details Options

  • Select the new form and Save the Source

Editing and Deleting a Form

  • Every form that you created, except the default Form 1, can be edited or deleted.

  • The edit and delete link appears when you move the mouse pointer over the title of a form.

  • To Edit a Form, click on it's name or on the edit link under its name.

  • To Delete a Form, click on the delete link under its name.


Show login link: set to Yes by default. If enabled, it generates the login link in the job details page.

Extra apply options: Set to no by default. If enabled it generates the Apply with Linkedin link

Address format: International / Dutch. For Dutch each field is split on it's own form field while for International the entire addres can be inserted in one textarea.

Agreement link:

  • Default: no agreement link

  • Insert desired text in the “Agreement Label” and in “Agreement text” fields to generate and display the link.

  • Insert an URL to be associated with the agreement text url. If Agreement URL field is fille,d it takes precedent over the Agreement text.

  • Captcha: choose in which page to display the Captcha code

  • Advanced: Clear Datanodes Cache. If you made a change in the Carerix System to one of the DataNodes used here, you should clean the cache.


The sources section allows the web builder to set the locations from where the plugin should fetch the data when generating posts and pages.

Configuring a job source

Add New

To add new Jobs source click on the Add New button.

The following fields can be set:

  • Source name

    • Helps you to identify the configured source.

  • Publications Details Options

    • Here you can set options for how the applicant will see and interact with the vacancy posts generated from this source.

      • Apply Form

        • Here you can select what form to be used when an user applies to a publication corresponding to a post generated from this source.

      • Title - Location:

        • You can select if you want to add the work location after the Title or not.

  • Set Alternative Feed Source Parameters

    • You can specify a different 'medium'-code here. It's useful if you have multiple sites or brands with different sets of vacancies

  • Publication Details Header and Publication Details Footer

    • If you want to display details in the footer or the header, use the following shortcodes:

      • [cx_rss_for_category]

        • display the rss for the publication category

      • [cx_rss_for_all]

        • display the rss for all the publications

      • [cx_tell_a_friend_link] (discontinuing in upcoming releases)

        • display the tell a friend link

      • [cx_print_link]

        • display the print link

      • [cx_function_group]

        • display the function group

      • [cx_vacancy_number]

        • display the vacancy number, as auto-generated in Carerix. However, consider using [cx_vacancy_code] instead

      • [cx_vacancy_code]

        • display the vacancy reference code. By default the reference code is equal to the auto-generated vacancy number in Carerix. But if you have changed the reference code in Carerix→Files→Job orders→General, this new entry is displayed

      • [cx_social_icons] (discontinuing in upcoming releases)

        • display social share icons

      • [cx_apply_button]

        • display the apply button

      • [cx_apply_form]

        • display the apply form

      • [cx_job_alert_subscription_link] (discontinuing in upcoming releases)

        • display the job alert subscription link

  • Publication Excerpt (new since v3.0.0)

    • Here you can use an alternative/better teaser (summary text) which will be used as a summary, specifically in vacancy overview/listing pages. Please read the accompanying usage explaination in the plugin as you are configuring the job source.

  • Publication Details Body (new since v3.0.0)

    • One of the biggest new features of v.3.0.0 is the Publication Details Body editor. You can use shortcodes like [cx_intro_information], [cx_offer_information] and many more to setup your own vacancy layout template. Please read the accompanying usage explaination in the plugin as you are configuring the job source.

Edit and Delete a Source

  • Editing

    • To Edit a Source click on its name or on the edit link under its name.

    • Changes to the Title, Feed Source or Page intro will become visible only after the next synchronize.

    • Changes to the Publication Details options will become visible immediately.

  • Deleting

    • To Delete a Source click on the delete link under its name.

    • Important: Deleting a source will not delete the generated posts from wordpress.

Note: If you want to change the form that is set to a certain Source: Please see Change the form of a specific Source.

Special jobs: one language website, multiple languages used for publication texts

You have a website entirely in Dutch but you want to display one or more jobs in a different language? By default, you publications will receive all header sections in Dutch. take the following steps in order to have the labels in the correct language.

In Carerix:

  • Create medium with the desired code (Eg: MED) to contain the publications in the default language of the website.

  • Create the publications in this medium with text in the default language of the website.

  • Create medium with code defined at 1. and add to it -lg code (Eg: MED-en, MED-es, MED-de, MED-fr).

  • Create publications in this medium in the extra language that you need to publish

In wp-admin / Carerix / Sources

  • Create new source to generate your jobs page. Eg. Page name: Mixed jobs

  • In the Set Feed Source Parameters section, after the default feed, in the input text insert Eg. for English: medium=MED|Med-en

  • Make the rest of settings and click save.

Result: Page named Mixed Jobs is created. The page will display jobs from the 2 defined mediums. For the posts for which value of parameter medium is found to be code-lg, the resources will be generated in the language code corresponding to lg value. If the lg value is not one of the know values used by CxWp, the default language to be used is the language in which the website is defined.

NOTE: If you do not want to use multilanguage-features, never use a mediumcode containing a dash. The Wordpress plugin will interprete it as a language resulting in English subtitles within your vacancies. So if you want to use a medium to seperate vacancies for your second agency, use a mediumcode like “webagency2” instead of “web-agency2”

Diagnostics (since v3.0.0)

From v3.0.0, the jobs synchronizing process will be fully handled by the REST API. Therefore the CxTools jobs feed has become obsolete. For example, the diagnostics tool (Wordpress Dashboard → Carerix → Settings → Tab Diagnostics) will help you to find possible inconsistencies between published vacancies in your Carerix system and the vacancies that are retrieved by your Wordpress site.

You can review the 'active job publications' but also the available 'medium codes'.

Extra/Additional Carerix fields support (since v3.0.0)

You can find the feature in Carerix Dashboard→Carerix→Settings→ tab Technology previews

In the Carerix system extra/additional fields can be added to Job orders and Publications. The information from these custom fields can be displayed in your vacancies. You can also use it as options in a “vacancy-listing search&filter” widget.

Use case

A nice use case is a “featured/highlighted” vacancy widget to highlight some vacancies. Therefore in Carerix you need to create an additional field called “featured on website” (type single checkbox) and attach it to the “Publications entity”. In Carerix, recruiters can tag preferred publications as “featured on website”. After that, your Wordpress developer can create a “featured vacancies widget” based on a “vacancy post loop” restricted to the custom-field “featured on website”.

Google for Jobs (since v2.15.0)

Google for Jobs is an enhanced search widget that aggregates listings from job boards and vacancy sites and displays them prominently in Google search.

To have your jobs included you need to add “structured job posting data” to your job pages. This information is invisible, so your job pages are still looking the same. When Google is indexing your site, the structured data is recognized and added to Google for Jobs.

Enabling and testing Google for Jobs

  • As an administrator from your Wordpress Dashboard, navigate to Carerix → Settings → Tab 'Google for jobs'

  • Enable 'Google for Jobs support' and click on save changes

  • Navigate to a vacancy information page of your choice at the front-end of your site

  • Copy/paste the URL of the former step in the Google Structured Data testing tool:

  • If everything went well you will see the JobPosting entity is detected. Probably the tool will give some warnings about recommended fields. Currently this information is not available in the CX WP plugin.

Configuring yourself as hiring organization

The hiring organization is also included in Google for Jobs. If you don't mark your jobs as “anonymous”, your client (hiring organization) will be displayed. For jobs marked as anonymous you can put your own organization name as the hiring one. To do this fill in your own company name in the field “Hiring organization”. Optionally you can also add your company logo.

Job Conversion Tracking (since v2.15.0)

The CX WP plugin supports custom code snippets for extended web analytics usage (e.g. Facebook pixel, Google Analytics, etc.)

Custom (javascript) code can be applied to the following webpage sections:

  • General (basicly to all pages)

  • Job description page

  • Job application page

  • Job application confirmation page

Additionally custom information (apply source and apply tags) can be set which will be stored in the “Candidate Match file”.

Configuring custom conversion/tracking code

  • Note: understanding of/some skills in JavaScript is required

  • As an administrator from your Wordpress Dashboard, navigate to Carerix → Settings → Tab 'Conversion tracking'

  • Enter valid javascript code including <script>-tags in the corresponding text-boxes

  • You can access special global variables holding information like publication-ID, vacancy-ID and job title. The available variables names are displayed in the blue information box. Tip: you can also dump this information in your browser debug console by entering console.log(cx); at a vacancy description page.

  • Finally you can use the methods cx.setApplySource() and cx.setApplyTags() to add extra information to the application (retrievable in the Carerix system under 'Matches')


The plugin is generating Taxonomies for Jobs posts. The current taxonomies and the corresponding Carerix tables are


  • Countries - Country

  • Regions - Region

  • Educations - Education 0

  • Functiongroup - Function 0

  • Functions - Function 1

  • Work locations - Publication work location

In order to use the taxonomies as filters for the 2 types of posts, the names of the taxonomies must be distinct. Otherwise, if common, the values of the taxonomies will be displayed for both type of posts and the user will experience that after sellecting a taxonomy no result will be returned.

Default resources are used to generate the names of the taxonomies. The language applied will follow the language of the plugin.

Define your own values for the taxonomies creating for each languge a different / new value to overwrite the default ones filled from resources.


Tell a Friend

Optional, you can create a stand alone Tell a friend page for a specific publication. Use [cx_tell_a_friend] shortcode in order to enable this feature.



Is Mandatory

Possible values





the id of the publication for which this form will send the tell a friend email template.

Usage Example



[cx_tell_a_friend publicationid=“4”]

Generates a “The tell a friend” form that will display for the publication with id 4

Job Alert Subscription

You can create a standalone Job Alert Subscription page, using the the [cx_job_alert_subscription] shortcode.



Is Mandatory

Possible values


frequency (supported since v3.0.0)


daily, bidaily, tridaily, twiceweekly, weekly, biweekly or monthly (defaults to daily)

sets the default mailing frequency for the subscription



text/html string

the actual message that appears after a successful user submission



relative or full URL

redirects the users' browser to the provided URL after a successful submission

Usage example



[cx_job_alert_subscription confirmation_url=“/jobalert_thank_you/”]

It will display a form for the user to choose on what kind of publications to subscribe. After a successful submission the browser redirects to the URL /jobalert_thank_you/

More info on Jobalert here.


To create a subscription form for the campaigns existent in the system, you can use the [cx_campaign] shortcode in a page. See the examples below.



Is Mandatory

Possible values




email list

a list of emails where the data should be send separated by a pipe character '&#124;'




a list of text fragments, separated by a pipe character '&#124;', that the title of the campaign should contain if it is to be displayed



campaign ids

a list of ids, separated by a pipe character '&#124;', for the campaigns to be displayed




[cx_campaign sendto=“”]

it will display all the active campaigns

[cx_campaign sendto=“” codeinname=“test1&#124;test2”]

it will display only campaigns that have 'test1' or 'test2' in their names.

[cx_campaign sendto=“” campaignid=“1&#124;2&#124;3”]

it will display only the campaigns with ids 1, 2 and 3

[cx_campaign sendto=“” codeinname=“test1&#124;test2” campaignid=“1&#124;2&#124;3”]

codeinname parameter, if existent, has priority over the campaignid parameter

Open Application

To create an open application form, create a page and insert the cx_open_application shortcode, following one of the examples below.



Is Mandatory

Possible values




form id

the number should reference the id of one of the apply forms that the web builder created.




must be the id of a valid open publication in the system




[cx_open_application openformid="3"]

will display the form with id 3 for the first open publication found in the system.

[cx_open_application openformid="3" openpubid="30"]

will display the form with id 3 for the open publication with id 30, if it is a valid open publication.





Will display a login form (username & password)

Release Notes

The new plugin has much more features, to benefit from all these features it could take more time to configure the website as a whole. Be aware that you can use other plugins as well, as WordPress is a modular system. Also see for a demo and recommended plugins & widgets. To download the latest version of the plugin?

  • The Jobs default page is purely to be used as reference. Make sure to use blog listing like for an overview of vacancies.

  • Are you using Jobalerts and Newsletters? Be aware that the URLs of publications.

  • The plugin uses WordPress posts. If you want to use WordPress posts for a different purpose be aware to use a different category and/or that these might interfere with your Vacancy posts.

If you have an issue, please follow these steps: Issue tracking

We don't support any Beta versions, so we advise to update to the latest stable version. We highly recommend to install the new release on a testlocation, we cannot and will not provide support for the plugin in a live website if it was not first tested in a test location.

Stable version


  • Fix for accessing Conversion tracking


  • Fix for synchronization for medium with use of capitals in code-field

Version 3.1.2

10 April 2024 | CxWordPress 2 (v3.1.2)

  • New Shortcodes: including additional fields

  • Shortcodes explanation added in WP admin

  • WP Admin Diagnostics extended

  • The PHP REST API client library has been updated

  • Some bug fixes. Among others, fix on special characters in the application form

Version 3.0.3

16 SEPTEMBER 2023 | CxWordPress 2 (v3.0.3)

  • Fix related to server upgrade

  • New: Added global sync progress indicator in the UI (backend WP)

  • Fix: In multilanguage (WPML) mode sometimes retrieved vacancies are duplicated

  • Fix: In multilanguage (WPML) mode with distinct web medium code publications (eg. web-nl, web-en, web-de) sometimes synced publications are fetched into WP but not visible in the site

Version 3.0.2

30 MARCH 2023 | CxWordPress 2 (v3.0.2)

  • WP-147 Added Filter hook `carerix_search_action`

  • WP-149 Fix Applytags fix (cx_applysource cx_applytags)

  • WP-151 Fix Submit label missing on open application form for Dutch language

Version 3.0.1

20 MARCH 2023 | CxWordPress 2 (v3.0.1)

  • Improved Cleanup NL language resource file. Other languages to do

  • Fix Category recreation in non-WPML environment

  • Fix Php warning removed in apply form

  • Fix Php warning removed google cookie

  • Fix In some cases some parts of vacancy texts aren't retrieved from the Carerix system

  • Fix In some cases the vacancy synchronisation is halted during the processing of `additional fields`

  • Fix Vacancy list page stepper didn't reset to the first page if a visitor used the “Carerix Search Widget”

Version 3.0.0

27 FEBRUARY 2023 | CxWordPress 2 (v3.0.0)

  • Fix Choices from the gender field of the Open Applicaton form were incorrectly stored in Carerix

  • Added Vacancy templates structured by new shortcodes for fine-grained control of the vacancy layout

  • Added Vacancy posts can make use of additional/custom fields defined in job orders/publications (technology preview)

  • Added Diagnostics page

  • Added Support for PHP 8.1 and 8.2

  • Added Search widget will query all registered medium sources instead of the default 'web'

  • Added Minimal Polish language support (Note: still in progress. Some strings are still in English)

  • Improved New Feed source parameters Support (WP admin→Carerix Sources): pipe-delimited mediumcodes (e.g. medium=web|brand2|office2) and 'forced' localized headers/labels (e.g. language=French)

  • Improved Shortcode [cx_job_alert_subscription] supports sending frequencies by the parameter “frequency”. [cx_job_alert_subscription frequency=“daily,bidaily,tridaily,twiceweekly,weekly,biweekly,monthly”]

  • Improved Better multilanguage support (requires WPML plugin)

  • Improved Max document upload size calculation (for application forms)

  • Improved Default Application form can be edited (used to be 'read-only')

  • Dropped Requires PHP 7.4 or higher. Dropped support for PHP 7.3 and lower

  • Dropped Synchronizing vacancies by CXtools feed (in favour of REST-API sync)

Version 2.22.0

18 OCTOBER 2021 | CxWordPress 2 (v2.22.0)

  • WPP-61 Added Support for PHP 7.4 and PHP 8.0

  • WPP-113 Added WP admin alertbox/announcement Cxtools feeds stops

  • WPP-115 Added Pre-installation/upgrade compatibility check

  • WPP-121 Added Google for jobs - Direct Apply support

  • WPP-130 Added New shortcode [cx_apply_form]

  • WPP-131 Improved Extended incoming data of action hook “cxwordpress_post_updated”. New arguments: `post data` and `raw cx fields`

  • WPP-132 Dropped Disabled applicant login links on apply forms

  • WPP-133 Improved Improved job sources screen (admin UI)

  • WPP-135 Improved Removed auto generated pages (jobs default page + open application page)

Version 2.21.3

16 AUGUST 2021 | CxWordPress 2 (v2.21.3)

  • Misc Fix German language file was missing Business Line (Fachgebiet)

  • WPP-114 Fix Emailaddress on application forms were not validated (client-side) anymore

  • Misc Improved Improved support for rendering [cx_open_application] shortcode for widgets (like Elementor)

Version 2.21.2

  • Misc Fix PHP 7.0-7.2 yield compatibility notifications

Version 2.21.1

  • Misc Fix REST-API jobs sync

Version 2.21.0

  • WPP-40 Improved Job alert form and shortcode. Optional attributes are thank you message and custom confirmation url: [cx_job_alert_subscription confirmation_message=“Thank you for subscribing to the job alert” confirmation_url=“/thank_you/”]

  • WPP-85 Fix Wordpress Site Health Operation timed out

  • WPP-90 Added CX fields: implement “vacancy code” + shortcode [cx_vacancy_code]

  • WPP-91 Added CX fields: implement “vacancy group”

  • WPP-94 Improved Disable mentioning postal code to Google For Jobs if the vacancy is set to anonymous

  • WPP-97 Added Warning alert boxes if hosting requirements fail

  • WPP-98 Added REST API full sync button (WP admin→Carerix→Settings)

  • WPP-102 Improved Replaced PHP-session by cookie management for required functionality

  • WPP-104 Improved Replaced captcha library by a newer one

  • WPP-105 Fix Fields ordering by mousedrag (WP admin→Carerix→Application form configurator)

  • WPP-106 Fix Rendering of the apply form between the <head>-tags in very specific 3rd party plugins/theme installations

  • WPP-107 Fix Rest API-job-sync sometimes “misses” some vacancies resulting in a out-of-sync

  • WPP-108 Added Possibility to override fixed resource labels like “introduction”, “requirements” etc. from your own (child)theme. Access and knowledge to add/modify php files required

  • Misc Improved Vacancy syncing process flushes a possible (Redis) cache first to avoid blocking PHP errors

  • Misc Improved Compatibility with Wordpress 5.6 and 5.7 (jQuery 1.x is dropped)

  • Misc Dropped Outdated promotional jobs. Replaced by WPP-91

Version 2.20.5

  • Improved Only show 'managed by Carerix' column in the general posts manager

  • WPP-88 Added Support for the field “Business Line / Field” (vakgebied)

  • WPP-49 Added New Application Form settings: 'remember me'-on/off toggle, emailaddress private/business-on/off toggle, add/remove emailaddress on/off toggle

  • WPP-86 Improved Google For Jobs structured data now supports salary fields. Settings are retrieved from the CX job order: “Purchase rate/Salary low and high” and “Publish Salary” checkbox

  • Fix The Wordpress global timezone setting could postpone the API job synchronization process

Version 2.20.4

  • WPP-83 Improved Compatibility with Wordpress themes (jQuery conflicts)

  • WPP-83 Improved Compatibility with optimizer plugins like Autoptimize, W3 Total Cache and Breeze Cache

  • WPP-83 Improved Updated Polyfiller/Webshim to the latest release

  • WPP-83 Fix Removed deprecated filter 'contextual_help'

Version 2.20.3

  • WPP-80 Fix Plugin breaks with Yoast SEO plugin using opengraph (staring from v14.x)

  • WPP-77 Fix Conflicting with other Jquery versions

  • Improved Job landing pages like


  • will now redirect including optionally parsed URL variables

Version 2.20.2

  • WPP-68 Added Configuration option for setting or leaving out the <meta description>-tag directive for Yoast SEO

  • Fix Javascript error (frontend.js) application form in Edge browsers

  • Fix Date/time format in Google Sitemap (

  • )

Version 2.20.1

  • WPP-41 Added Vacancy synchronisation by REST-API (enable via CX→settings→Sync by REST-API)

  • Added Developers logging enable/disable via Dashboard→Carerix→Settings

  • Added Shortcode [cx_apply_button] is not mandatory anymore in Sources→Source edit→Publication Details Footer

  • WPP-58 Added New CSS classes (prefixed with cx2_) to vacancy details posts (section titles + content) for better styling. E.g: <h4 class="cx_h4 cx2_introduction">Introduction</h4> <div class="cx2_introduction">...</div>

  • WPP-67 Added For application forms a required field indicator (e.g. asterisk) can be appended to the field label: #apply_form label.cx2_required:after { content:“ *” !important; }

  • WPP-37 Added Google sitemap for faster Google For Jobs indexation. Register the URL

  • as a sitemap in Google Search Console

  • WPP-1 Added Redirect from “foreign pubid” (alias pubids). Other publications of the vacancy will be mapped to the published publication on the site. Usage:, where xxxx is replaced by the “foreign” pub-id

  • WPP-70 Fixed Apply form. Sometimes the error arises: “Uncaught Error: Call to a member function getId() on null in /wp-content/plugins/CxWordpress/Entity/Form/EmployeeApply.php:1715”

  • WPP-24 Fixed PHP warning on vacancy detail page (in case google for jobs structured data was unable to parse)

  • WPP-55 Fixed Setting 'Clean categories at sync'

  • WPP-57 Fixed WP→CX→(application) forms→edit form: custom ordering of the fields in section 'address details' are respected

  • WPP-50 Fixed WP→CX→(application) forms→edit form: enabling field education messes up the form

  • WPP-66 Fixed Notice: A parser-blocking, cross site (i.e. different eTLD+1) script,, is invoked via document.write.

  • WPP-12 Fixed Application form sometimes doesn't validate the emailaddress format

  • WPP-59 Added 'wpnonce'-security for CX→sources→delete source + underlying associated posts/pages

  • WPP-59 Added 'wpnonce'-security for CX→forms→delete form + CX→forms→edit form

  • WPP-12 Improved Upload fields on the apply forms show better “max upload” indication texts

  • WPP-48 Improved Allow HTML in CX→sources→edit source: publication header and footer

  • Improved Compatibility with plugin `Autoptimize`

  • Improved fallback jQuery library version increased from v1.10.2 to v1.12.4

  • Improved serveral UI labels/texts in the plugin settings

  • Removed Unused (cxtools) sources: runForCompanies, runForCandidates, runForPeople, runForNewsletters

  • Removed WP→CX→Settings→Tab “Import/Export”

Version 2.15.1

  • Fixed jobalert form (after submit)

  • Improved translation issue for Dutch language (jobalert thank you form)

  • Improved translation issue for Dutch language (Functie eisen → Functie-eisen)

  • Fixed PHP warning on vacancy detail page

Version 2.15.0

  • Added new CSS classes (prefixed with cx2_) to the Apply Form to support better styling

  • Added new Carerix fields for vacancies: sector (branche0), industry (branche1), employment contract (contractType), hours per week (hoursPerWeek), minimum salary (minSalary), maximum salary (maxSalary)

  • Added support for 3rd party conversion tracking like Google Analytics, Google Adwords, Indeed, Facebook. (See: Dashboard → Carerix → Settings, tab “Conversion tracking”)

  • Added appreciate URL parameters 'cx_applysource' and 'cx_applytags' for vacancy detail pages. (They were only processed on the apply-page previously)

  • Added support for Google for Jobs (minimal required fields). See: Dashboard → Carerix → Settings, tab “Google for jobs”

  • Improved switched from http to https for

  • social-sharing icons

  • Removed split() function from EmployeeApply.php. Deprecated since PHP7

Version 2.14.45

  • Added Improved Candidate “cleanup” procedure

Version 2.14.44

  • Improved GDPR related functionality

  • Created extra checkbox in Carerix (not in Plugin) for table Consent Period called “Default for web” : if checked there that period is set by plugin applications

Version 2.14.43

  • Added “approval date and stage” to apply functionality

Version 2.14.42

  • Fixed translation issues

Version 2.14.41

  • Added transliteration for permalinks

  • Fixed translation issues for Deutsch language

  • Removed “Applied with Linkedin” option

Version 2.14.40

  • Disabled logging by default

  • Added extra validation logic for uploaded files

  • Increased “cleanup” cron interval

  • Fixed minor issues

Version 2.14.39

  • Fixed issue with “ghost” translations of WPML plugin which stops synchronization in some cases

Version 2.14.38

  • Fixed issue with “open application” apply

Version 2.14.37

  • Added WPCron to remove tmp files created by plugin

Version 2.14.35

  • Fixed issue with “motivation” field not been sent on application apply

  • Fixed issue with 404 error in some systems

Version 2.14.34

  • Fixed issue with 'ghost' entities in WPML plugin table

Version 2.14.33

  • Fixed base64 double encoding of attachments issue

Version 2.14.30

  • Fixed “Apply with linkedIn URL” functionality

Version 2.14.29

  • Fixed “homeCity” and “homeCountry” fields in apply candidate action

Version 2.14.28

  • Fixed error in “Auto-Update” functionality

Version 2.14.27

  • Fixed error on “apply candidate” page

Version 2.14.26

  • Added “Professional level” condition to “Carerix Search” widget

Version 2.14.25

  • Added “cxwordpress_post_updated” and “cxwordpress_post_deleted” hooks

Version 2.14.24

  • Added Function level condition to “Carerix Search” widget

Version 2.14.23

  • Added plugin Auto-Update functionality

Version 2.14.22

  • Fixed security issues

Version 2.14.21

  • Fixed security issues

Version 2.14.20

Version 2.14.18

  • Fixed “entire site search” functionality

Version 2.14.17

  • Fixed caching issue in 'Apply' form

Version 2.14.16

  • Added multilinguality for “select” fields in apply form

Version 2.14.15

  • Fixed synchronization issues

Version 2.14.14

  • Added “Hobbies” field to application form

Version 2.14.13

  • Fixed wrong count of search results in “Carerix Search” widget

Version 2.14.12

  • Added new setting “Skip main category”

Version 2.14.11

  • Removed extra “Back” link in confirmation page after a candidate applies

Version 2.14.10

30 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.10)

  • Added: Sort function group alphabetically“ option to Carerix Search Widget

Version 2.14.9

29 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.9)

  • Added: “Middle name” and “Country/Region” fields to Job-alert subscription form

  • Fixed: Exception which appears during subscribing to a Job-alert

Version 2.14.8

27 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.8)

  • Fixed: issue when wp_nav_menu is broken after Carerix Search submitted

Version 2.14.7

27 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.7)

  • Added: fields “Salary” and “Desired industry” to Employee Apply form

Version 2.14.6

25 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.6)

  • Fixed: issue with multiplying of “Job Default Page”

Version 2.14.5

23 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.5)

  • Added: Function as Category and in hierarchy related to Functiongroup

Version 2.14.4

23 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.4)

  • Added: Options to show/hide fields in Carerix Search widget

  • Fixed: Spelling for some labels

Version 2.14.3

22 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.3)

  • Fixed: Bug with splitting of categories which includes ”/“ in the name

Version 2.14.2

21 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.2)

  • Fixed: Bug in Apply Form with required Education field

Version 2.14.1

14 April 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14.1)

  • Fixed: Issue when multilingual Categories created in wrong language

  • Added: Multilingual confirmation message/page after successful application

Version 2.14

31 March 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.14)

  • Added: Search by multiple function group in “Carerix Search” widget

  • Added: Search conditions saved in URL in “Carerix Search” widget

Version 2.13

30 March 2015 | CxWordPress2 (v2.13)

  • Fixed: Synchronization and search issues

Version 2.10.9

12 December 2014 | CxWordPress2 (v2.10.9)

  • Layout bugfixes


29 October 2014 | CxWordPress2 (v2.10.4.2)

  • Added: Deprecated functions in PHP5.5. The plugin was updated to use the alternative mysqli driver, which is not deprecated.

  • Fixed: Extra document gave error message: Invalid document type

  • Fixed: Skills show up multiple times under the form when you +Add skills

Version 2.10.4

23 October 2014 | CxWordPress2 (v2.10.4)

Added Features

  • Added: RSS feed link in jobdetails

  • Added: Customize slug for taxonomies / categories

  • Added: Hide 'Company' from anonymous job order/publication

  • Added: (the desired) 'Education' of a Vacancy as tag to the WP post.

  • Added: Meta description from introtext

  • Added: Forgotten password functionality

  • Added: Confirmation page, after applying

  • Added: Apply form for jobboard publications

  • Added: Customize fields to show for Candidate profile

  • Added: Reorder fields for Application form

  • Added: Option to remove Empty categories

  • Added: Add function1 as taxonomy. Rename function0 to Functiongroup

  • Added: Create a new author for each owner

  • Added: Administrator won't loose Admin rights after applying as Candidate with same email address

  • Added option to remove Empty categories

  • Added option: Confirmation text or Confirmation page after applying. Add the Confirmation page to Google Analytics to track Applicants conversion.

  • Added: Customize Header/footer of vacancy post (with HTML and shortcodes)

  • Added: Shortcodes can be used for the submit button and links in the customized header/footer


  • Fixed: Synchronization issues

  • Fixed: Check connection with Carerix: When no connection can be made, this could result in empty categories, and WordPress removes empty categories and its menu-items. Now when no connection is made, the categories won't be emptied.

  • Fixed: Title location shows partly in Post title

  • Fixed: Inline styling removed from (confirmation) message

  • Fixed: Broken application form

  • Fixed: Empty form after uploading CV through the Extra apply option

  • Fixed: Issues in application form (Country & region, Desired functions, Education, +Add extra document, mandatory fields and error reporting)

  • Fixed: Different date for driver licence expire date

  • Fixed: Validation in Application form

  • Fixed: Application Form visible in the header of a theme

  • Fixed: Save data form Motivation field in correct Carerix field

  • Fixed: Wrong email addresses fetched from system

  • Fixed: Save and fetch back all fields in Application form (some fields were not fetched)

  • Fixed: Certain Custom Post Types failed when CxPlugin is active

  • Fixed: Correct Link RSS feed

  • Fixed: Link for 'forgotten username/password' for login candidate

  • Fixed: Correct slug of candidate posts

  • Fixed: Small bugs, like issues with javascript, Lightbox popup, error messages webshims, Double javascript

Previous versions

Version 2.2.1

  • 15 april 2014 | CxWordPress2 (v2.2.1)

  • Remove spaces in empty publication text (<p>&#160;</p>)

Version 2.2

  • Add data as custom fields to posts

  • Add option to sign up for newsletter

  • Add a Captcha to Job alert Form

  • Use the parameter of 'apply='

  • Option to show/hide Location in title

  • A list of posts for each medium

  • Add option for Cronjob (with specific URL) in order to trigger synchronization

  • Fixed: Save motivation field in correct Carerix field


  • RSS feed link in jobdetails

  • Added option to rename taxonomies

  • Apply with LinkedIn feature (the current feature)

  • Fixed: Error after filling in Job alert subscription

  • Fixed: Automatic synchronisation (every 10 min)

  • Multiple fixes (Categories, Taxonomies, Region fields in (Open) Application form)

  • Removed the words 'Alpha version'

Known Issues

The Carerix WordPress Plugin was tested to work in different browsers and WordPress versions. However we cannot guarantee, that the plugin will function with all third party plugins and server environments. See below the Plugins & Themes that we black- and whitelisted.

Whitelisted Plugins or Themes


  • add-rel-plugin

  • AddThis

  • Akeeba backup

  • All in One SEO Pack

  • Autoptimize

  • BackWPUp

  • Breeze cache

  • Broken Link Checker

  • Comprehensive Google Map Plugin

  • Contact Form 7

  • Divi Builder

  • Elementor Pro (

  • Google maps

  • Gravity Forms

  • Lazy Widget Loader

  • Lightbox Plus

  • Oxygen builder (

  • Shareaholic

  • Share This

  • Social Share plugins

  • W3 Total Cache

  • WP Duplicator

  • WP-Optimize

  • What-the-file

  • Widget Context

  • Widget Controller

  • WPTouch Pro

  • WPML - WordPress Multilingual Plugin

  • Yoast WordPress SEO

  • … (please notify us if you have additional ones)


  1. Avada

  2. Divi

  3. Hello (

  • )

  • Jupiter

  • Uncode

  • The7 (with workaround. Programmatically set “post excerpt” to “post title” in your child theme for vacancy posts. Else the apply form page is malformed)

  • … (please notify us if you have additional ones)

Blacklisted Plugins or Themes

  • Avia Layout Editor - Pages generated with Avia Layout Editor don't show forms generated by shortcodes. The Enfold theme makes use of the Avia Layout Editor.

Issue tracking

If you have an issue with the plugin, please follow these steps:

  1. Check whether your hosting server meets the technical requirements. Most errors occur because of PHP memory limit shortage, using an unsupported version of PHP or running behind an Nginx caching server. Also other serverside caching solutions like Kinsta-Cache can produce problems

  2. Does the same issue occur on connected with the Carerix database on Publictest ?

  3. Is the medium correct (use the code not de name!)

  4. Does the issue occur in combination with other themes? Yes/No

  5. Does the issue occur when you turn off all other plugins? Yes/No

  6. Is the conflicting plugin whitelisted or blacklisted? Yes/No

  7. Are you using the latest stable version? Yes/No

We don't support any Beta version, so we advise to update to the latest stable version. We highly recommend to install the plugin on a testlocation, we cannot and will not provide support for the plugin in a live website if it was not first tested in a test location.

If all above is Yes, please send an email in English to and provide us with the following:

  • Which plugins/themes conflict with the plugin?

  • Please turn on the Debug function, what is the output?

  • Please give us a precise description of the issue (when, where and how does the issues occur)? Please give us the recipe how we can reproduce the problem.

  • WP login credentials

  • FTP login credentials

  • Server info

  • Please provide us with a Duplicator package, so that our developers can clone the website to their own test location for further investigation (You can create this package with the plugin

  • . With the WP login credentials we can download the ZIP-archive and installer file).

Our developers will look into it as soon possible. You will receive an email with ticket number to follow and communicate with the developer. This is meant for bugtracking and fixing only.

Note: Please don't send any email to or for API questions. Our 1st Line Supporters cannot help you with any API problems.

cxwordpress2.txt · Last modified: 2023/08/15 08:49 by cxdeveloper

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