Automatically close VonQ Job Posting publications

Triggers | Automation | Vonq Job Posting

Updated over a week ago

To automate the closure of external job postings via Vonq (former In Goede Banen) there is the possibility to set a trigger in your Carerix.

This automation will make sure that - given a couple of criteria is met - your publications at Vonq will be closed and the status of the linked publication in Carerix is updated accordingly.

The automation can be configured in the triggers menu in your Carerix maintenance section - available to admin users and users that are given the permissions to access this area in their active user role.

Trigger configuration

Trigger Event: VonQ publication closure automation
Trigger action: Publication status is set to 'to be stopped'

How the automation works

This automation is a time-bound automation that runs daily in the early morning to check if there is any publication that meets the conditions for being closed. The process runs every day around 5 AM (CET).

As bigger amounts of publications can cause overload on the system and therefore performance degradation can be a consequence the automation will process the compiled list of publications that need to be closed in batches of 200 records. A batch is supposed to be processed in 15 minutes (to be tested).

What the automation does

If the automation is configured in the system without any additional qualifiers the conditions described below always apply.

The automation will compile a list of publications that are:

  • Published via a medium that has the value VonQJobPosting set in the 'publish through' field.

Publish through = VonQJobPosting
  • Archived themselves (publication is in the archive)

  • Linked to an archived Job Order (Job Order is in the archive)

  • Linked to a Job Order that has a status that is configured with a doNotPublishTag Job Order Class.

Job order class = Do not Publish (DoNotPublishTag)

As only a limited set of publication statuses work with VonQ the following statuses are inlcuded and excluded from the automation:

Included publication statuses:

  • published (this is the status a publication gets once the 'publish' button is clicked)

  • refreshed

  • refresh failed (in case a refresh in Carerix did not reach Vonq)

  • stopping failed (in case a 'to be stopped' publication did not reach Vonq)

Excluded publication statuses:

  • Edit (this is the default status of a publication set during publication creation)

  • To be published (this status invokes the publishing of a publication on Vonq)

  • To be refreshed (this status invokes the refresh of a publication on Vonq)

  • To be stopped (this status invokes the stopping of a publication on Vonq)

  • Publishing failed (this status implies an error during publication

  • Stopped (this status implies the publication is already stopped)

Changes to statuses and mediums

Changes made to the configuration of mediums or job order statuses will be picked up only the next day after the nightly restart of the application.

e.g. add the publish through Vonq Job Posting to a medium or the doNotPublishTag to a job order status)
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