This finding is determined by a search score that is mostly based on:
The contents of the page
The 'importance' of the website, which consists mostly of:
Weight- How many other websites link to this page
Relevance - Searching on a term like 'Amsterdam' will firstly deliver you websites with information about Amsterdam, instead of websites with pages that merely feature the word Amsterdam
Actuality - Pages in websites that are frequently changing and updating will be more easily found.
Please note:
The methods that search engines use to calculate their search result is a well-kept secret and changes often. Next to the people who actually code these search engines there is nobody who can say for certain how this exactly works. Aforementioned statements are no certainty, but they are based on experience and calculated guesses.
Make sure that other websites will link to pages in the website.
To make your pages more easily found take the following steps:
Make the pages searchable and easy to navigate
Write the text on your pages smartly
Use important terms in the address of the page - if the word Amsterdam is part of the address, the search score goes up
Use headers and other HTML tags in the text.
Allegedly the big search engines do not utilize so called 'meta texts' as much anymore. However, every little bit helps. The standard for meta texts is the following:
Use 5-10 words in the 'title tag'
Use 9-12 keywords in the 'keyword tag'
Use about 160 characters, including spaces, in the 'description tag'
To Do
Make sure that other websites link to pages in your website. Examples:
Add the website to online webpages like
Always use a link to your own website in job postings on job websites
Cooperate with so-called link communications
Use bannering (online advertisements)
Pages easily searchable
A page has to be - technically - easily searchable. For this reason it is better not to use iframes.
Your web developer knows what to do with this.
Page text
Use an extended description of your job order in the job posting. With a large description you increase the chances that the search words are used in the text. Make sure you stay on topic though; a page with a lot of different subjects scores lower than a page with a clear focus.
Page address
Pages with job postings work better when the addresses contain the function name and the work location.
Headers and other HTML tags
Below you will find some suggestions for the usage of Headers and tags.
Use Headers with H1, H2, H3 tages in the texts. In here you add title
like the following example:
<h1 title=”Recruitment Website”> Welcome on our recruitment website (example website) </h1>
Use a P tag in your texts with an added title
<p title=”Job Site”>Paragraph text</p>
Give all A tages a title
<a title=”Find a job” target=”#” hreft=”#”>Link text</a>
Please note: the words in the title
need to be in the texts as well (but not too much, no more than 2 or 3 times per 100 words).
Keywords : UD-1287