Go to the right uppercorner on the screen
Here you wil find the [Reports] button
Reports module possibilities
Create a report about a time period
Create a report about a subject.
Available Reports in the Library
The Administrator is able to install Reports from the Templates - Library
Go to 'Maintanance' | 'Templates'
Go to 'Document-tab'
Click [Library...], the 'Document templates library' will open
- Scroll down to block 'Reports'
Here you will find a list of all free available Reports
- Find the Report you would like to use in your application, click on the [Install] button on the right.
Also read: Template Library
Need a customized Report?
When you need a new customized Report template, one that's not in the available in the Library then please contact your Account Manager. He/she will be happy to give your more information.
Keywords: UD-662