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Start working with CxMailChimp

MailChimp module in Carerix

Updated over a week ago

Activating CxMailChimp in your Carerix

This CxMailChimp module will only work in combination with a payed MailChimp account.
If you do not yet have a MailChimp account then you can register here or login to Mailchimp.
To simplify this article we speak of 'Candidates' here.
However, the method is the same for contacts to a campaign.

  • Click the left menu "Maintenance'' 

  • Click "Settings"

  • Click block "MailChimp"

  • Click on the button "Activate"
    The field value in "enableMailChimp" will turn into "YES"

  • A popup will appear in the lower right corner of your Carerix screen

  • The MailChimp feature will be available within 15 minutes.

Preparation for the first MailChimp campaign


  • Open a new browser tab, and login in to

  • Go to right upper corner, click on your "User Setting"

  • Click on "Account"

  • Click "Extras"

  • Click "API Key"

  • Select the new "API Key", make text selection, right click mouse button, choose option "Copie"

  • Go to browser tab - "Carerix app"

  • Go to "Mailings" -"Campaigns"

  • Open a MailChimp Campaign

  • Go to "MailChimp Tab" You will see an error "Got empty templates list from MailChimp. Please make sure  that you have user-created templates and try again."

  • Click on the "Settings" icon

  • In the empty field, paste the API key and click "Initialize" button (N.B. Please read update on top of this article)

  • You will see a Succes message: "Your MailChimp API key was updated"

It is possible you receive an error in Carerix that the Key doesn't have the necessary rights. In that case:

  • Login in to

  • Go to right upper corner, click on your "User Setting"

  • Click on "Account", Click "Extras", Click "API Keys"

  • Deactivate the existing, active "API Key"

  • Click "Create a Key"

  • Use this new Key to initialize the campaign in Carerix

Error notification

MailChimp requires that the "From" address uses a verified domain.

If you haven't verified the domain in MailChimp yet, you will receive an error notification that holds a link to the instructions how to verify it.

Verification assures that you have access to email address that you are trying to send campaign from.

 In general, the flow is as follows:

  1. User clicks "Verify a domain" button somewhere in MailChimp

  2. User provides an email address and hits "Send verification email" which contains Verification Link and Verification Code

  3. User either enters Verification Code or click Verification Link

  4. Domain appears in verified domains list

Create Campaign 

  • Left menu Mailings: Campagne

  • Click "New"

  • Select "Type campaign", "MailChimp"  (this hides all irrelevant fields)

  • Set the "Recipients" and other fields

  • "Save"


Why is option "Campaigns" not visible in the menu?

solution  :  Please contact your administrator, check if you have rights (Userrole) for menu "Campaigns"

Why is the mailchimp tab in campaings not visible?

The mailchimp tab is possibly not available for your userrole. It can be made visible per userrole.
Have your administrator find the document template called 'Mailchimp' and check which userroles the template is available for. 

Field "Type campaign" not visible?

solution  : Please relogin and try again

Add Candidates / Contacts

The method is similar to a regular campaign:

  • Go to "Candidates"

  • Create a selection of candidates

  • Click on button "Action", "Add to campaign" and select the MailChimp campaign you want to use

  • Click "Add to campaign"

Note: New MailChimp Campaign not visible?
When you created a new MailChimp campaign and it's not on the list of available campaigns?
Please re-login with CTRL+ F5.

View the selected Candidates/Contacts in the Campaign

After you've added "Contacts/Candidates", go back to your campaign details and choose "Contacts" or "Candidates" tab.
The recpients you've selected appear in Campaigns, Candidates tab, the candidate information has been used to fill-in the Campaign.
At this point your MailChimp campaign is ready to be sent.

Create and send your Campaign

When you have activated MailChimp and successfully initialized your app, you can start creating and sending or scheduling you campaign.

Assuming you already have created Campaign of type MailChimp in Carerix and you have added several Contacts/Candidates to it. 

Prepare a template

Prepare a template in your MailChimp.
You must have at least one prepared template in your MailChimp only then you will be able to use the MailChimp functionality

  • Open a new browser tab and login to Mailchimp

  • Go back to the Browser tab with your Carerix Application

  • Open your MailChimp Campaign details and switch to MailChimp tab 

  • Subject field is predefined for you by your campaign title in Carerix

  • Enter "From email" and "From name" fields

  • Then you select a template (we only have created one template "Support")
    These templates are fetched from your MailChimp saved templates, which can be found here:

  • Click "Create and send"

  • Mailchimp browser tab will be opened 

  • Click "Next

  • Click on "Send" on the "you're all set to send" page 

  • Click "Send Now" Prepare for launch 

After sending the campaign with MailChimp, in Carerix there will be shown a "Reports for Campaign"


Pending action...

After clicking "Create and send" the text Pending action stays pending in the screen...


Make sure that you are login into MailChimp, click "Create and Schedule" again

Create and schedule your Campaign

After you have chosen a date and time and click the blue "Create and schedule" button,
The flow will be the same as with "Create and send" button, but instead of sending directly, the campaign will be scheduled.
You will see Scheduling information instead of the "Reports" screen.

Both this flows include three step process: 

  • Create a campaign

  • Check its readiness

  • Sending/scheduling proper.

A campaign that is not ready cannot be sent or scheduled.

This might happen because of various reasons, and the most common ones are non-complete template and failed domain verification.
If it's the case and your 'MailChimp Campaign' was created but not sent/scheduled, you might want to delete MailChimp campaign and start over.

Selected template

After a 'MailChimp Campaign' was created, it's not possible to change selected template, so you'll have to delete already created 'MailChimp Campaign' before selecting another one.

Unsubscribed users

When a user unsibscribes from the received mailing, the unsubscribed user is added to a specific 'MailChimp opt-out' group.
The 'MailChimp opt-out' group has a specific tag, named 'NoMailChimpMailingsTag' that's used to identify this group among others. This tag and groups will be added automatically to your system as part of the activation.

When a contact or candidate are members of 'MailChimp opt-out' group, they will not be processed by 'MailChimp Campaign', even if they're added as subscribers.
'MailChimp' integration app sees them as 'MailChimp opt-out' users and will not take them into account.

NoMailing group

Candidates who are in the "NoMailing group" in Carerix aren't excluded from the MailChimp Campaign.

To exclude them form MailChimp as well you can add them to the "MailChimp opt-out" group.


MailChimp integration provides three integrated functionalities:

  • contact/candidate activities, 

  • contact/candidate statuses, 

  • contact/candidate group updates for users unsubscribed from MailChimp list. 

These updates are done by CrOn. That's done per each MailChimp campaign using the following logic:

  • every 10 minutes for campaigns that were created less than two hours ago

  • once in an hour for campaigns that were created 24 hours ago

  • eight times a day for campaigns that were created during last week

  • four times a day for campaigns that were created during last two weeks

  • twice a day for campaigns that were created during last month

  • once a day for older campaigns

That approach is meant to reduce API calls, so that MailChimp will not consider it as abusive behavior.

Campaign activities and results  

Contact/candidate activities:

There are five types of MailChimp events tracked: sent, bounced, opened, clicked and unsubscribed.

Every activity has campaign id, and title for your convenience.
Each of these events represent respective activity in MailChimp reports. Thus, every activity, that's present in MailChimp is duplicated in activities tab, in campaign details. 

'Sent' activities and statuses are created as soon as your MailChimp Campaign status becomes 'sent'(see Updating MailChimp Campaign Status), while others are parsed from reports provided from MailChimp.

Also, every activity is connected to respective contact/candidate, which means you can see these activities in contact/candidate details Activities tab.

Contact/candidate statuses

There are five statuses for MailChimp Campaign users in order of importance: sent, bounced, opened, clicked and unsubscribed. Every user can have only one status.

The status, which is considered more important overwrites previous.
E.g. user has opened email, then clicked a link, then opened email once again - in this case we won't change status back to opened, because the user will have already more important status set - clicked.

The most important status is 'unsubscribed'.

Unsubscribed users

When a user unsibscribes from received email, that means user unsubscribed from our "Carerix Users MailChimp Master List" in MailChimp. 

That event is tracked as an activity and status change as described above, but moreover, the unsubscribed user is added to specific "MailChimp opt-out group". The "MailChimp opt-out group" has a specific tag, named "NoMailChimpMailingsTag'" that's used to identify this group among others. This tag and groups will be added automatically to your system as part of the activation. 

Opt-out users are Contacts or Candidates that belong to MailChimp opt-out group. These users can be added to Campaign, but they will not be processed. MailChimp integration app checks each Contact or Candidate if it belongs to MailChimp opt-out group, if so it's ignored and not processed, otherwise it's added or updated to MailChimp as a subscriber.

Any contact or candidate can be added to this group, but they're also added to this group as soon as they unsubscribe from any campaign that was created using Carerix.
You can filter out those opted-out users by adding search line like this:

Thus, when a contact or candidate are members of MailChimp opt-out group, they will not be processed by MailChimp campaign, event if they're added as subscribers to camapign. 

MailChimp integration app sees them as 'MailChimp opt-out' users and will not take them into account.

Deleting MailChimp campaign

Integrated process of sending/scheduling campaign has several steps:

  • create campaign in MailChimp(referred to as MailChimp campaign)

  • fill MailChimp campaign with all needed data, including template content

  • check if campaign is ready for sending

  • is campaign is ready, send/schedule it

MailChimp does not allow sending campaign that are not ready. That means there can be situations when you already have related campaign created in MailChimp, but is was not sent/scheduled.

In this case you'll see following message below template selection

You might also notice that template selection buttons are disabled. That's because MailChimp does not allow to change campaign content, after it was created. In this case you can click 'Delete campaign' and related MailChimp campaign will be deleted. Then you'll be able to start the flow from 

Synchronization process

'MailChimp' integration provides three integrated functionalities:

  • Contact/candidate activities

  • Contact/candidate statuses

  • Contact/candidate group updates for users unsubscribed from 'MailChimp' list.

These updates are done automatically. That's done per each 'MailChimp Campaign' using the following logic:

  • Every 10 minutes for campaigns that were created less than two hours ago

  • Once in an hour for campaigns that were created 24 hours ago

  • Eight times a day for campaigns that were created during last week

  • Four times a day for campaigns that were created during last two weeks

  • Twice a day for campaigns that were created during last month

  • Once a day for older campaigns

That approach is meant to reduce API calls, so that MailChimp will not consider it as abusive behavior.

Keywords: UD-2165

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