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Link Carerix to Recruitment Technologies
Link Carerix to Recruitment Technologies

How to link Carerix to Recruitment Technologies

Updated over a week ago

The old name of this product is Knollestein


You publish job orders to various popular job boards directly from your own Carerix system with the Carerix-linkage for job boards. To facilitate this, Carerix closely cooperates with the company Recruitment Technologies ( Recruitment Technologies uses a distribution system that enables them to place your job order advertisement on one or multiple job boards. The big advantage is that you only need to place your job order once through one control panel; this saves a lot of work.

If you still have questions after reading this guide, or if you want to retrieve the linkage from Carerix and you would like to receive a proposal including pricing information, mail our support desk.

How to begin?

To directly place your job order advertisements from your Carerix-system to job boards, you sign a deal with the company Recruitment Technologies. Their distribution system will then recognize you as a customer and will place your job order ads on the specific job boards that are stated in your deal with Recruitment Technologies.

Our advice is to use Recruitment Technologies outside of the Carerix system for a while, so you get an overview of the possibilities and limitations of this system.

Then you can send a message to our support desk. In this message you provide us with the following information that you have received from Recruitment Technologies:

What will Carerix do now?

After receiving your message with your Recruitment Technologies account details, we will activate the link between your Carerix system and the distribution system of Recruitment Technologies. After 1 day the job boards which you are subscribed for at Recruitment Technologies will be available as publication media (the 'Media' module in the Maintenance menu) in your Carerix database.

Note: Configuring this link requires a one time set up payment. After you have sent us a request, we will first send you a payment proposal. After your approval, we will implement the link.

Setting up your Carerix system

You are now a customer of the distribution system of Recruitment Technologies and your Carerix system is linked to it. Before you can publish your job orders, you first have to set up your Carerix system. How to do this:

  • For every job board you set up the standard stage and source.

  • You link tables to (also called: mapping to) Recruitment Technologies categories.

Setting up the standard stage and source

As soon as somebody applies to your advertisement on a job board, a match is created in your Carerix system. In this match, the stage is selected that you have chosen as the standard stage at the job board. An appropriate stage would be "Applied through web". You can find the specific settings for each job board in the "Media" module in the Maintenance menu. If your system is not yet familiar with this candidate, a new candidate file is also created. In this file the field 'Source' is set up for the source that you have chosen as standard at the job board. An appropriate source would then of course be the name of the specific job board. You adjust the sources in the table 'Source' in the module 'Tables' from the Maintenance menu.

Hint: To add a new job board as a source, you do the following:

  • Go to Maintenance | Tables

  • Choose [New]

  • Fill in these fields:
    Table: Source job order
    Item (= big text field): Name of the job board
    Active: checked

  • [Save]

Setting up table mappings

When you are publishing a job order from your Carerix system to a job board, the possible choices from the selection menus are translated. The reason is that you could for example select the function "Chauffeur" in your Carerix system, but that this same function is by default called "Driver" on Monsterboard. Through the "Tables" module (in Maintenance) you choose the content of your selection menus AND the correct translation in the selection menus of the job boards. To prevent that you have to make separate translations for each job board, the lists of the different job boards have been converged to a single list. We call this list the Recruitment Technologies categories.

What you have to do is link the items in some of the tables of your Carerix system to the correct Recruitment Technologies categories (this is also called "mapping"). This way, your Carerix system applies the correct translation in every publication. The tables that need item mapping and the corresponding Recruitment Technologies categories are:

Carerix table

RT category




vomBranch and vomCategory



Professional level








You find these table by going to Maintenance | Tables in your Carerix system and searching for the specific tables.

Publishing job orders

After you have mapped the table items to the correct categories you can begin with publishing job orders. You do this in the same way you place a job order on your own website:

  • Open the job order file and go to the tab "Publications"

  • Click on "New"

  • Under "Medium" select the job board that you want to publish your job order on

  • Choose a first publication date (e.g. today)

  • Click on "Finish"

  • Go to the tab "Postings"

  • Click on "Publish"

The posting sends your job order information through your Carerix system to the distribution system of Recruitment Technologies. Usually it takes 1 to 2 hours before your advertisement is actually visible on the job board. The maximum time is up to 4 hours.

Posting statuses

The "Postings" tab gives an overview of all the postings that have been done for the publication. Each posting has a status. The possible statuses and their descriptions are as followed:

The posting is ready to be sent to the Recruitment Technologies distribution system.

The posting is succesfully accepted by the Recruitment Technologies distribution system.

The Recruitment Technologies distribution system has not accepted the posting. This can happen when for example the required fields are missing or when the distribution system is not familiar with the specific office (see beneath at "Management and maintenance").

Required fields

You have to fill in a value in the following fields of the job order to make sure that your posting is successfully placed. Of course, you have to fill in these fields BEFORE publishing. These fields are the minimum requirements, of course you can fill in more fields.

Under Files | Job orders, when you have created a new job order or have selected one that you want to publish, you go to the "General" tab and fill in:

  • Function group

  • Professional level

  • Country (at least one)

  • Region (the one next to the chosen country)

  • Employment

  • Required education: first and second selection menu

Then, you go to the "Publications" tab, select or create a publication, and under "General" you fill in:

  • Job description

Modifying the advertisement

After modifying the job order or publication information in your Carerix system, you use the "New posting" (the "Postings" tab in the publication) to update the advertisement information on the job board. With a new posting, your Carerix system provides the Recruitment Technologies distribution system with the updated information. This distribution system then passes this information on to the job board. Usually it takes 1 to 2 hours, with a maximum of 4 hours, before the advertisement is actually updated on the job board.

Note: Some job boards charge you with additional costs when you modify a certain field in an existing advertisement. Inform yourself about these rates at the specific job board.

Removing the advertisement

To remove the advertisement from the job board you use the "Stop publication" button at the "Postings" tab. The advertisement will then be removed from the job board. This usually takes 1 to 2 hours with a maximum of 4 hours. When the end date of the publication is reached, Carerix will automatically do the "Stop publication" action for you. This way when you are making the publication you can already decide when the advertisement has to be removed. You can also change this end date at any time. There is one exception: you can't change the end date when this date has already been reached and your advertisement has already been removed. This means that you can't re-post your publication by changing the end date from a date in the past to a date in the future.

Your advertisement will of course also be removed when the customary advertisement period of the specific job board has reached its end. This is something that is controlled by the job board; both your Carerix system and the Recruitment Technologies distribution system cannot influence this.

Other comments

  • Together with the publication Carerix automatically sends a link to your job application form. Applications through that link automatically end up in Carerix. You don't have to do anything extra for this.

  • It is not possible to publish a job order for the entire Netherlands. The job boards don't offer this option. This means that you have to select a specific region.

  • Important! You have to do the mapping for the specific table before you begin with publishing job orders (see above on "Setting up your Carerix system"). A posting will fail if you haven't done the mapping.

Management & Maintenance

For the maintenance of the link between the distribution system of Recruitment Technologies and the job boards, you do as following in the most common cases:

  • Follow up "Posting failed"

  • Set up the mapping of new table items

  • Modify the mapping of existing table items

  • Add a new office to the distribution system of Recruitment Technologies

  • Add new job boards

Posting failed

When the posting of a publication has failed you will receive an e-mail about this. This message will be sent to an address that has been specified at the configuration of the link. By default we use the e-mail address of our regular contact. This message contains extra information about the cause of the failure and a reference to the specific publication. At the "Postings" tab of this specific publication you will find more information about why the posting has failed. Try to remove the cause of failure and use the "New posting" button to retry. 

Note: The e-mail appears in the e-mail module at the "Received" tab. If you also want to receive the e-mail at another location (e.g. Outlook), let it be automatically forwarded to your external e-mail address specified under "My account" at the top-right of the screen.

Mapping new table items

When you add an item to one of the tables specified beneath (the "Tables" module in the Maintenance menu) you have to set up the translation to the corresponding Recruitment Technologies category. Simply choose from the list of available categories.

  • Employment translates to vomContractType

  • Function0 translates to vomBranch and vomCategory

  • Function1 translates to vomTitle

  • Professional level translates to vomLevel

  • Education0 translates to vomEducation

  • Education2 translates to vomEducationDir

  • Region translates to vomRegion

Remapping table items

It may happen that changes occur Recruitment Technologies categories. You have no influence on these changes, but they can have important consequences for you. What if for example one of the categories disappears that you use for mapping a table item? A field in a job order that uses this table item is no longer available for publication on a job board. The postings will fail because the Knollenstein category doesn't exist anymore. To cope with this a task is automatically created in your Carerix system when changes occur in the Knollenstein categories that you use. This task is by default linked to the administrator of your Carerix system (user "Administrator"). Following this task, the administrator then decides if there is a reason to adjust mappings.

Add a new office in Recruitment Technologies

When you add a new office in your Carerix system, also add this office (branch) to the Recruitment Technologies system. to do this, you have to insert a code that could look like this: 85-21. The number 85 in this Recruitment Technologies branch code is the number (also called ID) of the Business Line in your Carerix system. Usually your Carerix system has 1 active Business Line named "General". You can find this Business Line and the corresponding number in the table "Business Line" in the Tables module. The number 21 in the Recruitment Technologies branch code is the number (also called ID) of the office in your Carerix system. You find this number at the specific office in your "Office" module at the Maintenance menu. Initially Carerix will configure the offices in the Recruitment Technologies system for you. However, you have to add new offices yourself. Otherwise Recruitment Technologies will not be able to recognize job orders from the new office and the publication will fail.

Note: If you have a problem with configuring a new office (branch) in the Recruitment Technologies system:

  • You can ask Recruitment Technologies to assist you in adding the new office in their system.

  • It is possible that you do not have the table "Business Line" in the "Tables" module of your Carerix system. Ask for this table at the Carerix helpdesk.

New job board

With your Carerix system you only publish job orders to the job boards that you have agreed on with Recruitment Technologies. If you want to publish to a different job board, you have to make additional agreements with Recruitment Technologies. They will adjust your contract information and this information is exchanged with your Carerix system overnight. This way you will see the new job board the next day as an available medium. Don't forget to configure the default stage and default source for this medium (see above at "Configuring your Carerix system").


Keywords: UD-3165

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