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All CollectionsReleases / Updates2021
Release 5.272 // 10 April 2021
Release 5.272 // 10 April 2021

Full Copy Job order without job order create permissions | Several UI issues resolved.

Updated over a week ago

You might have noticed in this article title: we slightly adjusted our version numbering. From this release we do not mention the '0' anymore. Instead of we now will use

Smaller updates and improvements:

In this release the following improvements and smaller bug fixes are included:

  • Fixed an issue with the full copy button in job orders which worked independently of user role permissions. Now it is not possible anymore to use the button as soon as the user does not have create permissions given in the user role.

  • Fixed an issue with required education fields still being required after removing the education item. This caused users to be stuck in the file but will be resolved in this release.

  • Fixed an issue introduced by the latest Google Chrome update, causing parts of the user interface to be invisible in some occasions

  • Fixed an issue on the attachments- and document templates tabs introducing a collapsed state which could lead to a freeze of Carerix, forcing the user to refresh and re-login. The possibility to collapse the field panel is removed and the issue should not appear anymore.

  • The collapsed state issue mentioned above also caused the right side of the user interface to be cut off on the right side. As a result vertical scroll bars could be hidden or 'fell off' the screen. This issue is solved as well.

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