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Carerix Seamless for Mobile - Candidates
Carerix Seamless for Mobile - Candidates

Carerix new mobile solution

Updated over a week ago

In the candidates menu you can find all Candidates of your database that you have permissions for.

The Seamless overview shows the first 100 Candidates according to your sorting and possible search filter. By default Seamless sorts files by modification date, so you always will see the files you or one of your peers have/has worked on recently on top. If the Candidate you are looking for is not in the list, you should narrow down your filter and/or change sorting. This can be done through adjusting the filters on top or to use the quick search to look for a specific name for example.

In the overview list one can see the surname and first name of the Candidate and its status. The avatar in front of the name will show a picture of the Candidate if available. If not available the first letter of the first name and the first letter of the second name will be displayed on a colored background. This color is derived from the color of the Candidate's status.

Clicking on a panel - but not the name itself - or the downward arrow on the right side will open a small preview pane showing the location/city, phone number and last contact date of the Candidate if they are available.

Clicking on the name of the Candidate itself will open the Candidate details where more detailed information of the Candidate can be viewed. Information is only visible if there is any data available for the field you are looking for. So if a Candidate has no email  address or phone number, those fields are not shown in Seamless for mobile. Once a phone number is added in Carerix, the information will also show up in the mobile application. 

For the sake of the user experience and interaction design Seamless strives to use as less as possible tabs. However, to keep screens lean and mean we still have some tabs to toggle between different types of related data.

For the candidate file you will find the following tabs:

  • Details - lists all supported data fields (see below) in case they contain any data.

  • Matches - lists all matches for this Candidate and their current status. Clicking the Match will open the Match detail. 

  • Talentpools - lists all Talentpool matches and their current status. Clicking the Talentpool match will open the detail.

  • Activities - lists all linked activities.

  • Attachments - lists all uploaded attachments linked to this Candidate. They can be downloaded/viewed from your mobile device if the type of attachment is supported.

The following fields of the candidate file are supported in Carerix Seamless for Mobile (January 2019):

  • Legal ground: Expiration date

  • Legal ground: Legal ground

  • Legal ground: Legal ground set on

  • Owner

  • Creation date

  • Created by

  • Modification date

  • Modified by

  • Contact details: Home Phone

  • Contact details: Home Mobile  

  • Contact details: Work Phone

  • Contact details: Work Mobile

  • Contact details: Work Email 

  • Contact details: Social URL (Facebook LinkedIn etc.)

  • Personal: Gender

  • Personal: Date of birth

  • Personal: Social Security ID

  • Personal: Home City

  • Personal: Salutation Type

  • Personal: Nationality

  • Personal: Language

  • Personal: Category

  • Personal: Notes

  • Address: Home Address

  • Address: Work Address

  • Address: Alternative Address

  • Procedure/Function/Experience: Procedure

  • Procedure/Function/Experience: Job title

  • Procedure/Function/Experience: Professional level

  • Procedure/Function/Experience: Sector/Industry

  • Procedure/Function/Experience: Functiongroup/Function 1

  • Procedure/Function/Experience: Functiongroup/Function 2

  • Procedure/Function/Experience: Functiongroup/Function 3

  • Additional fields: All types of additional information fields are supported in Seamless, however they will be grouped in an additional info panel.

Seamless is focused on the recruiter on the go and therefore offers only limited functionality and information. Its - for the biggest part - a read-only application and it supports user role permissions as defined in your main Carerix 5 settings. Important to understand is that configuration profiles are not implemented. Fields that are hidden in Carerix 5 by means of configuration profiles are visible in Seamless, given the field contains data.

Labels: UD-2757

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