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Dashboard - CxActivity Report

How do I configure and use the CxActivity Report

Updated over 3 years ago

How does the CxActivity Report work?

The CxActivity Report is a report in the form of a document template which is generally used to measure activities, results and personal targets of Carerix users. This ideal adaptable management tool gives you an insight into your recruiters’ Activities. Thanks to the report’s flexible setup, you yourself can define which activities are displayed and, as such, the report can be adapted by the Carerix Manager himself/herself. Within this framework, it is possible to provide a generic presentation of the displayed data in a report.

The report can be retrieved via [Dashboards] and/or [Reports] button and offers the option to input a specific period manually, but also to select suggested entries such as (current) quarter, (current) year or previous years. The report will then only bring back data related to your chosen period. The data can be displayed for one specific or all offices. It is also possible to display data per individual user, all users per office or, indeed, generate data from all offices. The retrieved data can also be exported to Excel to manipulate and/or process it further.


The reports display figures. No specific names of e.g. Candidates, Contacts and Clients are displayed. This option is currently under development. You can’t drill down on this data.


The document template is only available to users with a certain user role, allowing the manager to determine which user (role) has access to view this document template.

When setting up the report, it is important to establish who will have access to view the report. Standard access is for the manager(s) only. However, it is possible to give or restrict access to the report for each individual user or per user role. When doing so, criteria can be set as to whether the user in question:

  • can view only his/her own activities

  • can view all activities of his/her office

  • can view all activities of all offices


What is displayed?

Practically, it is possible to display numbers of Activities, such as tasks and notes. Numbers related to the matching stages the candidates are in can also be displayed. The following are examples of data which can be displayed in the CxActivity Report:

  1. telephone interviews

  2. new candidates

  3. introduced candidates

  4. 1st/2nd interview

  5. new vacancies

  6. sales calls

  7. new customers

  8. visits

  9. placements

Which table items or matching stages can be displayed?

Currently, the following table items can be displayed in addition to the matching stages set up by you:

  • Type Appointment

  • Type Note

  • Type Task

  • Result Appointment

  • Result Note

  • Result Task

  • Status Placement

  • Status Vacancy

  • Status Candidate

  • Status Contact Person

  • Status Client

Activity Report & TalentPools

It is also possible to create a (separate) Activity Report specifically for the TalentPools option. This Activity Report is linked to the actions that are done in that part of the system. Example; is the use of TalentPools / filling the TalentPools very important in your organization, it is an option to track the actions that the users do in that section to display them in the Activity Report.

Note: We can only create an Activity Report based on the Talentpool Stages. Not on the Status of the Talentpool. 

Adapting work processes

If you ensure optimal use of Activities in your work processes, you can measure this very accurately via the Cx Activity Report. You will, however, need to adopt certain recording standards in your work processes in order to be able to display the data at all in the Activity Report. Notes and Tasks, in particular, can be used for this.

Use of the CxActivity Report

(The example illustrated relates to a Cx5 application and will only be displayed if this application has been installed in your Carerix environment).

  1. In Carerix, go to the top right of your screen and click the [Dashboard] button

  2. In the ‘Report’ menu, select ‘Activity Report’ and click ‘Create report’ (don’t enter anything in the other fields such as ‘Period’!)

  3. A new screen will open in your browser. If it doesn’t, this action is probably being blocked by your pop-up blocker. Allow the pop-up to be displayed and/or consult the instructions of your browser to remedy this problem.

In this screen you can

  • select a quarter;

  • select a year;

  • select the office whose data you want to view;

  • select the user(s) whose data you want to view.

If you then click "Submit", you will be able to view the data. If you click the [Excel] button, the data will not be displayed in the browser screen but (if installed on your computer) in the Excel application where you can view and process the data.

Functional configuration

Document template

The Activity Report is a document template that is developed and installed by a template developer from the Carerix Services department. When installed, you can find your report through the following steps:

  1. Click "Maintenance".

  2. Click "Document Templates".

  3. Search on the name ‘Activity Report’.

In the template you can configure things like the template name, the visibility (active or inactive) and the user role access. In "Settings" you find 'Show in menu (Section Links)'. Your report is now easily retrievable and generated from the menu on the left hand side of Carerix. When you choose the option "Open in main window" the report will generate in your current screen and not a new browser window.

Visible user data

The administrator configures in the settings of the document template for which user roles the Activity Report is visible. To also determine *what* information the user can generate with the report, the administrator can configure that the logged in user can:

  1. Only see his/her own activities.

  2. See all activities of his/her own office.

  3. See all activities of all offices.

This is determined in the 'Additional information' section in the User card. If your Carerix application has been delivered after 1 January 2015, then these fields have been already created in your system. If your Carerix implementation predates that date, then you can create these table items yourself.

  1. Go to "Maintenance" - "Tables"

For visibility of all offices:

  1. Create new table: "Attribute User"

  2. Name: 'Show all offices'

  3. Code: MISPERM:allagencies

  4. Attribute label: Permission Activity Report.

For visibility of only one office:

  1. Create new table: "Attribute User"

  2. Name: 'Show office'

  3. Code: MISPERM:Agency

  4. Attribute label: Permission Activity Report.

Make sure that the codes that you determine are exactly as shown here: the same use of capitals, no spaces. When these codes are not exactly the same, your Activity Report will not be able to retrieve which permission you have chosen. When this has been added, the administrator can set permissions so either tick one or none of the boxes. If none of the boxes have been ticked, the user can only see their own activities in the Activity Report.

If you've installed multiple Activity Reports, then you need to be separate 'Attribute user' table items, since authorization may vary on different reports.


It is possible to create different targets for every single users which will be shown in their Activity Report. They are set with the use of tables as well.
For more information about defining additional fields click here.

For every line in the Activity Report you create a line in the corresponding target. As attribute label you set the name 'Targets per week'. As name of the field you use the exact same name you used in the lines of the Activity Report so they are identical. Please note that the table type is set to 'Number' so an actual number can appear in the appropriate field.

MS-Excel cheat sheet

To decide and define which numbers need to be shown in the Activity Report we have created an MS-Excel file to assist in the designing the configuration of the report before you actually start configuring.

You can retrieve this cheat sheet via your account manager.

Coding Stages and Table items

The Activity Report functions because of the codes that are added to table items and stages, which are then communicated to the report. The order of these listings is created by you.

You can add codes to any table item that has is a ‘Type’ or ‘Result’ of Activities ‘Meeting’, ‘Note’ and ‘Task’, as well as with any table item for ‘Status’ of a ‘Placement’, ‘Job Order’, ‘Candidate’, ‘Contact’ and ‘Companies’. Additionally, you can add codes to ALL set Stages, which will be counted and added to the Activity Report.

The code always starts with ‘MIS:1:’ after which the number increases from 1 until the desired amount of lines. Theoretically there is no limit to the amount of rows that you want to see in your Activity Report, but you will find that when you create a report that is greater than 20 rows or more than 5 users the loading time will increase over the couple of seconds it usually needs.

First, you define, based on the Excel cheat sheet, the exact numbers you want to measure and show in the Activity Report. You also set them in the right order. In the figure below you'll see which elements can be shown in the Activity Report. You decide:

  1. What you want to measure and in which order.

  2. Whether this is a table item or a stage.

  3. Name and number of the specific match stage or table item

  4. You set what name you want to give to this row in the Activity Report.

Please note: For this name you set the right ‘MIS:1:’ and then the name of the item, so you can add this to the table item or match stage.

Once you've determined which items you want to count and where to show them, you copy these lines into the code field of the table items or stages. You can check whether it all works the way you want to by refreshing your Carerix application. How to do this:

  1. Go to: "Tables/Stages"

  2. Search and open the table item or stage (e.g. 'Result task', or stage '3.0 Proposed candidate to client')

  3. In the "Code" field, add the MIS code (see figure example above).

Please note:
Furthermore, there are two more actions you can take related to the codes:

  • When you've created two identical MIS codes in multiple tables, the row will add the items together and show the sum of the items

  • When you use the exact same code in multiple places, you can show this in one or multiple Activity Reports.

Counting meetings: deadline or creation date?

By default the Activity Report counts the moment of the deadline of the meeting, and not the moment of creation of the activity/meeting. Example: the deadline of the meeting is set at 1 July, but the meeting has been created on 15 June. The Activity Report will then count 1 July.

If you want to count the moment of the creation of the meeting (so, 15 June), then in the Activity Report document template a code needs to be added in the CODE field: MIS:useActivityCreationDate.

This will make sure that the moment of the creation of 15 June is counted, and not the 1 July deadline of the meeting.
Please note: this counts for the whole Activity Report, no exceptions. 

Requesting the CxActivity Report

To request your CxActivity Report, contact your account manager or the Customer Success Team.

Keywords: UD-1052,Cx Activityreport, activity

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