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Carerix Datasource | how to link / retrieve datasource files
Carerix Datasource | how to link / retrieve datasource files
Updated yesterday

This document outlines the options for linking or retrieving the Carerix Datasource files.

The datasource files are made available on our FTP server and/or in an Amazon S3 bucket.

1. Testing the Connection with netcat (FTP server)

Operating System: Linux and macOS
Tested on macOS 15.2

Requirements: The IP address used to perform the netcat test must be on our whitelist.

Explicit FTPS

% nc -vvv 21

Connection to port 21 [tcp/ftp] succeeded!

220-FileZilla Server 1.9.3

220 Please visit

2. FileZilla client GUI (FTP server)

Operating System: Linux, Windows, and macOS
Tested on macOS 15.2 with FileZilla Client 3.68.1 Apple Silicon (arm64)


  • FileZilla client

  • FTP username

  • FTP password

  • IP address used with FileZilla client must be on our whitelist

  • If an outbound firewall is used, TCP ports 21 and 21000–21010 must be allowed for IP address

3. WinScp client command line interface (FTP server)

Operating System: Windows
Tested on Windows 11 with WinScp 6.1.1


  • WinScp (Typical install)

  • FTP username

  • FTP password

  • IP address used with WinScp must be on our whitelist

  • If an outbound firewall is used, TCP ports 21 and 21000–21010 must be allowed for IP address

Open command prompt (cmd.exe)

"C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\"

winscp> open ftpes://

Connecting to ...

TLS connection established. Waiting for welcome message...


Starting the session...

Session started.

Active session: [1]

winscp> ls crmatch*

D--------- 0 0 ..

---------- 0 23245 Aug 20 1:22:28 2023 Cragency.csv


winscp> get crcompany.csv c:\temp\

crcompany.csv | 36260 KB | 2131.9 KB/s | binary | 100%

winscp> exit

als commando in een batch file

C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\ /command ^

"ftpes://" ^

"get *.csv c:\temp\" ^


4. Cyberduck GUI (S3 bucket)

Operating system: Linux, Windows en macOS

Tested on macOS 15.2 with Cyberduck client 9.1.0


  • AWS S3 bucket naam: datasource-klantnaam

  • AWS access key id

  • AWS secret access key

  • AWS region: eu-central-1 (Frankfurt)

5. PowerBI desktop Python connector (S3 bucket)

Operating System: Linux, Windows, and macOS
Tested on macOS 15.2 with Cyberduck Client 9.1.0



  • AWS S3 bucket name: datasource-[customer_name]

  • AWS access key ID

  • AWS secret access key

  • AWS region: eu-central-1 (Frankfurt)

Open command prompt (cmd.exe)

# ga naar de folder waar python is geïnstalleerd

cd C:\Users\xxxxxx\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python311

# install python package manager pip

curl | python

curl | python

# install required python modules

Scripts\pip.exe install boto3 matplotlib pandas

Open PowerBI Desktop > Home > Get data > more > Python

Crcompany.csv example

import boto3, os, io

import pandas as pd

my_key= 'xxxxxx'

my_secret= 'xxxxxx'

my_bucket_name = 'datasource-xxxxxx'

my_file = 'Crcompany.csv'

session = boto3.Session(aws_access_key_id=my_key,aws_secret_access_key=my_secret)

s3 = session.resource('s3')

bucket = s3.Bucket(my_bucket_name)

bucket.download_file(my_file, my_file)

crcompany = pd.read_csv(my_file, delimiter='\t')

6. AWS command line interface (S3 bucket)

Operating System: Linux, Windows, and macOS
Tested on macOS 15.2 with AWS CLI 2.22.17



  • AWS S3 bucket name: datasource-[customer_name]

  • AWS access key ID

  • AWS secret access key

  • AWS region: eu-central-1 (Frankfurt)

# macOS example

$ which aws


$ aws --version

aws-cli/2.2.23 Python/3.8.8 Darwin/22.6.0 exe/x86_64 prompt/of

# create default profile

$ aws configure

AWS Access Key ID [None]: xxxxxx

AWS Secret Access Key [None]: xxxxxx

Default region name [None]: eu-central-1

Default output format [None]: json

$ aws s3 ls s3://datasource-klantnaam/

2023-08-19 03:32:06 8456 Cragency.csv

2023-08-19 03:32:06 4579 Crarticle.csv

2023-08-19 03:32:06 153351138 Crattachment.csv

2023-08-19 03:32:08 509534996 Crattributechange.csv


# sync all csv files to local folder /var/tmp

# Only download files if they have been modified; this prevents unnecessary downloads.

$ aws s3 sync s3://datasource-klantnaam/ /var/tmp --include "*.csv"

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