When putting together salutations and addresses in templates there are several attributes available. These attributes are available for candidates (toEmployee), contacts (toContact) and users (toUser).
The available attributes are:
Attribute |
name |
opening |
openingWithPrefix |
closing |
The 'Salutation' in the file determines if a formal or informal salutation is used.
Use the following attributes for a formal/informal salutation:
Attribute |
formalName |
formalTitleName |
informalName |
formalAndlnformalName |
Attribute |
formalOpening |
formalTitleOpening |
informalOpening |
formalAndlnformalOpening |
Attribute |
formalClosing |
formalTitleClosing |
informalClosing |
formalAndlnformalClosing |
If no salutation is set in the file, the default from the table item is used.
If there is no default set in the table item, then the Formal (informal) is used.
Variants (EU, US, ES)
When putting together salutations and addresses, 1 of the following 3 variants is used:
EU - Europese format: Mr. A. van der Akker
US - International format: Mr. Michael J. Fox
ES - Spanish format: Sr. Juan Gomez Antonio
The default variant of a Carerix system is determined by one of the following interface parameters: isInternational(US), isBelgian(EU), isSpanish(ES).
It is always possible to choose a variant yourself by adding an attribute to one of the codes. For example: formalNameEU or informalNameUS.
The default language of a Carerix system is determined by the language parameters. The language determines the salutations and addresses (mister / de heer / senor). If no language parameter is set, the language is dutch.
The setting 'UnknownGenderSalutation' determines, if the gender is unknown, what the salutation will be.
Field | Value | Contact | Employee |
First name | Arie | firstName | firstName |
Prefix | van der | lastNamePrefix | lastNamePrefix |
Initials | A. | initials | initials |
Last name | Akker | lastName | lastName |
Title | drs. | title | title |
Suffix | RA | suffix | suffix |
Gender | Man (MaleTag) | toGenderNode.value | toGenderNode.value |
Attributes based on salutation
The 'salutation type' is the field that is available at every candidate and contact. The value in the field determines the salutation in the templates.
Salutation | Formal | Formal | Informal | Formal (Informal) |
name | De heer A. van der Akker | De heer drs. A. van der Akker RA | Arie van der Akker | De heer A. (Arie) van der |
opening | heer Van der Akker | heer Van der Akker | Arie | heer Van der Akker (Beste Arie) |
openingWithPrefix | Geachte heer Van der Akker | Geachte heer Van der Akker | Beste Arie | Geachte heer Van der Akker (Beste Arie) |
closing | De heer A. Van der Akker | De heer drs. A. van der Akker RA | Arie van der Akker | De A. (Arie) van der Akker |
Fixed fields
formalName | De heer A. van der Akker |
formalTitleName | De heer drs. A. van der Akker RA |
informalName | Arie van der Akker |
formalAndlnformalName | De heer A. (Arie) van der Akker |
formalOpening | heer Van der Akker |
formalTltleOpening | heer Van der Akker |
informalOpening | Arie |
formalAndlnformalOpening | heer Van der Akker (Beste Arie) |
formalClosing | De heer A. van der Akker |
formalTitleClosing | De heer drs. A. van der Akker RA |
informalClosing | Arie van der Akker |
formalAndlnformalClosing | De heer A. (Arie) van der Akker |
Field | Value | Contact | Employee |
first name | Juan | firstName | firstName |
initials | (n.a.) | initials | initials |
last name | Gomez | lastName | lastName |
second last name | Antonio | IastNamePrefix | IastNamePrefix |
title | (n.a.) | title | title |
suffix | (n.a.) | SUfflX | suffix |
gender | Sr. (MaleTag) | toGenderNode.value | toGenderNode.value |
Most important differences in comparison to the dutch version:
Initials and titles: These fields aren't used.
Suffix: This field doesn't exist in the Spanish version.
Second last name: This field is added in the Spanish version.
Attributes based on salutation
The 'salutation type' is the field that is available at every candidate and contact. The value in the field determines the salutation in the templates.
Salutation | Formeel | Formeel (Titel) | Informeel | Formeel |
name | Sr. Juan Gomez Antonio | Sr. Juan Gomez Antonio | Juan Gomez | Juan Gomez |
opening | Seôor Juan Gomez Antonio | Sefior Juan Gomez Antonio | Juan | Juan |
openingWith Prefix | Estimado Sr. Gomez | Estimado Sr. Gomez | Estimado Juan | Estimado Juan |
closing | Sr. Juan Gomez Antonio | Sr. Juan Gomez Antonio | Juan Gomez | Juan Gomez |
openingWithPrefix uses 'estimado' or 'estinada' based on the gender.
Fixed fields
formalName | Sr. Juan Gomez Antonio |
formalTltleName | Sr. Juan Gomez Antonio |
informalName | Juan Gomez |
formalAndlnformalName | Juan Gomez |
formalOpening | Sefior Juan Gomez Antonio |
formalTitleOpening | Sefior Juan Gomez Antonio |
informalOpening | Juan |
formalAndlnformalOpening | Juan |
formalClosing | Sr. Juan Gomez Antonio |
formalTltleClosing | Sr. Juan Gomez Antonio |
informalClosing | Juan Gomez |
formalAndlnformalClosing | Juan Gomez |
firstName | Michael |
middleName | J. |
initials | M.J. |
lastName | Fox |
title | dr. |
suffix | Phd |
gender | Man (MaleTag) |
Attributes bases on salutation
The 'salutation type' is the field that is available at every candidate and contact. The value in the field determines the salutation in the templates.
Salutation | Formeel | Formeel (Titel) | Informeel | Formeel (Informeel) |
name | Mr. Michael J. Fox | Mr. dr. Michael J. Fox Phd | Michael J. Fox | Mr. Michael J. Fox |
opening | mister Fox | mister dr. Michael J. Fox Phd | Michael | mister Fox (Dear Michael) |
openingWithPrefix | Dear mister Fox | Dear mister dr. Michael J. Fox Phd | Dear Michael | Dear mister Fox (Dear Michael) |
closing | Mr. Michael J. Fox | Mr. dr. Michael J. Fox Phd | Michael J. Fox | Mr. Michael J. Fox |
Fixed fields
formalName | Mr. Michael J. Fox |
formalTitleName | Mr. dr. Michael J. Fox Phd |
informalName | Michael J. Fox |
formalAndlnformalName | Mr. Michael J. Fox |
formalOpening | mister Fox |
formalTitleOpening | mister dr. Michael J. Fox Phd |
informalOpening | Michael |
formalAndlnformalOpening | mister Fox (Dear Michael) |
formalClosing | Mr. Michael J. Fox |
formalTitleClosing | Mr. dr. Michael J. Fox Phd |
informalClosing | Michael J. Fox |
formalAndlnformalClosing | Mr. Michael J. Fox |
Translated salutation
Let's say that you use a Dutch system, and you want to use a English salutation in a template. Use the following CxScript code:
<cx:language value="English">
<cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.openingEU"/>
Lets say that you want to use a salutation based on the language that is set to the person. Use the following CxScript code:
<cx:let name="myLang" condition="$activity.toUser.toLanguageNode.dataNodeID=1465" ifTrue="English" ifFalse="Dutch">
<cx:write value="$myLang"/>
<cx:write value="$activity.toContact.openingWithPrefixEU"/>,
Be aware:
The 1465 is a fixed value in above example, see in your application the table item "Language" to find ID in your system for the desired language.
Alternative: Is the whole template in English. Select the system language 'English' in the template file.
Then the cx:language construction doesn't need to be used.
Keywords : UD-1734