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Calendar Scheduler
Updated over 3 months ago

Automate appointment scheduling! Simple, fast and linked with Carerix!

The recruiter organizes his/her availability, then a candidate chooses a time slot!

Integration with your Google or Microsoft account!

Automatic availability detection

Create custom web pages with booking forms

Apply your own look & feel

Automatic reminders and notifications

The new Planner can be activated by admins, via Marketplace Menu in Carerix.

For the use of the Planner, monthly costs per user may be charged per user. Please check with your Customer Success Manager.

The Carerix Planner consists of two parts:

1. Planner editor: for Recruiter, accessible via the Carerix Calendar.

2. Planner web pages: for the candidates/contact persons, accessible via custom web pages.


Use your Scheduler url in dynamic templates.

  • Example code:

    <cx:let name="afspraak" value="$activity.toToDo">
    <cx:let name="header" value="$activity.toContact.businessOrPrivateEmailAddress"><cx:header name="to" value="$header"/></cx:let>
    <cx:include template="$settings.template.emailHeader"/>
    <p class="cx">Beste <cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee.firstName"/>,
    Graag nodig ik je uit voor een meeting!
    Via deze link kun je een afspraak maken in mijn agenda!

    Scheduler Link: <br/>
    <cx:foreach list=$activity.owner.urls item=url>
    <cx:if condition="$url.toUrlLabel.exportCode like '*meetings_scheduler*'">
    {{<cx:write value="$url.url"/> }}<br/>
    Tot snel! <br/> <br/>

    <b>Parkeren</b> <br/>
    Kom je met de auto? We hebben een plek voor je gereserveerd op de Julianalaan 100 in Rotterdam.
    Bij vragen: ik ben goed bereikbaar op onderstaand nummer. <br/>Maar mailen mag natuurlijk ook.
    <cx:include template="$settings.template.emailFooter" language="Dutch"/>

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