Defining evaluation fields
In this example we will add "External evaluation" and "Internal evaluation"
Log on as an Administrator
Go to 'Maintenance' | 'Tables'
Table: "Candidate Evaluation" (dutch: Kandidaat-Evaluatie)
Enter "External evaluation" as the name of this field
optional: enter a default value for this field
choose [Save and new]
Enter "internal evaluation" as the name of this field
optional: enter a default value for this field
choose [Save]
Log on again now go to a Candidate, notice that the Evaluation-tab will contain the two fields
Using the evaluation fields in templates
Suppose we want to show the "External evaluation" in a template.
This is specified as:
<!--create a "data node cache"-->
<cx:let name="dnc" value="CRDataNodeCache" invoke="namedClass.cache">
<!-- use the dnc to get the proper datanode-->
<cx:let name="node" value="$dnc" invoke="dataNodeForKey:andValue:"
arg0="Candidate Evaluation" <!--exact table name-->
arg1="external evaluation" <!--exact item name-->
<!-- debug: do we have a datanode?-->
<!--<cx:write value="$node"/>-->
<!--write the review info for the specified node-->
<cx:write value="$activity.toEmployee" invoke="reviewFieldForNode:" arg0="$node"/>
</cx:let> <!-- node dismissed-->
</cx:let> <!-- dnc dismissed -->
It is also possible to show the fields by using the table ID. Search the table ID from the field that you want to show in the template (5338 in this example) and insert the following CxScript code:
<cx:write value="$activity..toEmployee.reviewInfo.propertyList" invoke="objectForKey:" arg0="5336"/>
The review info field will only display a result if something has been entered other than the default
In other words: default text will not show up