Activate API

Settings | XML interface - Allow IP

Updated over a week ago


To activate a connection between your Carerix application and your website you'll need an API token/password and sometimes an API username.

The API username is the naam of your application which you'll find in front of An API token is something you can request from our support department.

Please send an email to:

When you're using XML-connection, you can use AllowIP

If your web developer still faces problems:

  • Ask the web developer for the IP-address of the server.

  • Go to 'Maintenance' | 'Settings'

  • Go to block 'XML interface' - 'Allow IP'

  • Add the IP address and click [Finish]

  • Was the field allow IP empty?
    Then leave it empty.
    This means that all ip addresses are allowed.

Background information

  • The website makes contact with Carerix through the so called REST API (Application Programming Interface).
    The application needs to be authorized before it has access to the API.

By using Carerix API or API documentation, you’re agreeing to the Terms of use of the Carerix API Service  and the Acceptable Use Policy.

Keywords: UD-2401

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