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The purpose of CxTools project is to provide information - mainly about vacancies - that other operations can digest.

Updated over a week ago

There are 3 type of formats provided at the moment:

  • Html text

  • Xml format

  • RSS 0.91 format

More details are provided for each specific feed.


Every time the CxTools project is updated the [template] directory is overwritten with the new template files (default/templates/)

  • All feed files must always be in UNIX format. The developer making the deploy has the responsabillity to check this.

  • In case when in template more than one carerix plugin is used(eg: {cx_getJobPublications} or {cx_getPlacements}) the last one will be taken in cossideraton for displaying results in the page.

  • No space or new line character are allowed before the plugin or the XML tag, otherwise an error will occur( XML Parsing Error: XML or text declaration not at start of entity).

Good way

{cx_getJobPublications show=toVacancy.workCity}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

Wrong way

{cx_getJobPublications show=toVacancy.workCity}[space] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
{cx_getJobPublications show=toVacancy.workCity}[characters] / [new line] <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
[characters] / [new line] {cx_getJobPublications show=toVacancy.workCity}<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>



Type of content provided

General description
List publications from medium with code IGB
By default it lists all - actually it list max. 999 publications, but for 99,99% sittuations this means all publications. This value can be changed in 2 ways:

  • add count=[NUMERIC VALUE] to the smarty plugin {cx_getJobPublications} on top of the template page

  • add/change maxItemsPublicationListing=[NUMERIC VALUE] configuration option under [Application] section in config.ini.php file in /httpdocs/cxtools/ directory

Url access


  • smarty plugin: all parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • GET clause: accept additional GET parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin;

  • In case when template already have set parameter, then new parameter from URL will be merged with existing one, otherwise parameter from GET will be added.


Type of contentprovided


General description

List publications from medium with code web
By default it lists all - actually it list max. 999 jobs, but for 99,99% sittuations this means all jobs. This value can be changed in 2 ways:

  • add count=[NUMERIC VALUE] to the smarty plugin {cx_getJobPublications} on top of the template page

  • add/change maxItemsPublicationListing=[NUMERIC VALUE] configuration option under [Application] section in config.ini.php file in /httpdocs/cxtools/ directory

Url access


Example url access


  • smarty plugin: all parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • GET clause: accept additional GET parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin;

  • In case when template already have set parameter, then new paramter from URL will be merged with existing one, otherwise parameter from GET will be added.


Type of content provided


General description

List publications from medium with code web
By default it lists all - actually it list max. 999 publications, but for 99,99% sittuations this means all publications. This value can be changed in 2 ways:

  • add count=[NUMERIC VALUE] to the smarty plugin {cx_getJobPublications} on top of the template page

  • add/change maxItemsPublicationListing=[NUMERIC VALUE] configuration option under [Application] section in config.ini.php file in /httpdocs/cxtools/ directory

Url access


Example url access


  • smarty plugin: all parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • GET clause: accept additional GET parameters like groupName, medium or any other parameter accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • In case when template already have set parameter, like groupName or medium, then new paramter from URL will be merged with existing one, otherwise parameter from GET will be added.


Type of content provided


General description

List publications from medium with code web
By default it lists all - actually it list max. 999 publications, but for 99,99% sittuations this means all publications. This value can be changed in 2 ways:

  • add count=[NUMERIC VALUE] to the smarty plugin {cx_getJobPublications} on top of the template page

  • add/change maxItemsPublicationListing=[NUMERIC VALUE] configuration option under [Application] section in config.ini.php file in /httpdocs/cxtools/ directory

Url access


Example url access


  • smarty plugin: all parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • GET clause: accept additional GET parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • In case when template already have set parameter, like groupName or medium, then new paramter from URL will be merged with existing one, otherwise parameter from GET will be added.


Type of content provided


General description

List publications from medium with code web

By default it lists all - actually it list max. 999 publications, but for 99,99% sittuations this means all publications. This value can be changed in 2 ways:

  • add count=[NUMERIC VALUE] to the smarty plugin {cx_getJobPublications} on top of the template page

  • add/change maxItemsPublicationListing=[NUMERIC VALUE] configuration option under [Application] section in config.ini.php file in /httpdocs/cxtools/ directory

Url access


Example url access


  • smarty plugin: all parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • GET clause: accept additional GET parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • In case when template already have set parameter, like groupName or medium, then new paramter from URL will be merged with existing one, otherwise parameter from GET will be added.



RSS 0.92


The RSS feed items are all jobs that were published on the company web site( medium = web ). Each feed contains the company logo. Each job contains the following details:

  • publication title information

  • publication job details

  • link to application form

  • customer company image


  • example/cxtools/RSS.php

  • example/cxtools/Rss.php

  • example/cxtools/rss.php


All parameters accepted by the {cx_getJobPublications} plugin except functionCustomGroup are supported in the URL.

Example 1: limit maximum number of job publications in feed to 16 ( default: 999 )

Example 2: select job publications for a different medium ( default: web ):

Example 3: select publications for job vacancies with given function level:

RSSx - RSS Extended

This page works pretty much the same as Rss, but provides more information about the vacancies, included in non RSS specific tags defined in the Jobs4Professionals format. 

Type of content provided

RSS Extended (as detailed in the Jobs4Professionals draft)

General description

List publications from medium with code web
By default it lists all - actually it list max. 999 publications, but for 99,99% sittuations this means all publications. This value can be changed in 2 ways:

  • add count=[NUMERIC VALUE] to the smarty plugin {cx_getJobPublications} on top of the template page

  • add/change maxItemsPublicationListing=[NUMERIC VALUE] configuration option under [Application] section in config.ini.php file in /httpdocs/cxtools/ directory

Url access



Example url access



Type of content provided


General description

List candidates.

  • It list 32 jobs by default (it has the count parameter set to 32)

  • Number of items to be displayedcan be modified ONLY from the smarty pluginif not set the default is 999

  • uses {cx_getPlacements}.

Url access


Example url access

  • smarty plugin:startcountshowqualifier

  • GET clause: does not accept (ignores) additional GET parameters


Type of content provided


General description

List companies

  • It list 32 jobs by default (it has the count parameter set to 32)

  • Number of items to be displayedcan be modified ONLY from the smarty pluginif not set the default is 999

  • uses {cx_getPlacements}.

Url access


Example URL access


  • smarty plugin:startcountshowqualifier

  • GET clause: does not accept (ignores) additional GET parameters


Type of content provided


General description

Lists placements

  • It list 32 jobs by default (it has the count parameter set to 32)

  • Number of items to be displayedcan be modified ONLY from the smarty pluginif not set the default is 999

  • uses {cx_getPlacements}.

Url access


Example url access


  • smarty plugin:startcountshowqualifier

  • GET clause: does not accept (ignores) additional GET parameters


Type of content provided

XML, in the format described by

General description

This file contains all the valid jobs in the system.

Url access


Example url access


  • smarty plugin: all parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • GET clause: accept additional GET parameters accepted by {cx_getJobPublications} plugin

  • In case when template already have set parameter, like groupName or medium, then new paramter from URL will be merged with existing one, otherwise parameter from GET will be added.

News feed (newsletter articles)

Type of content provided

Will use plugins located in cxshared library

General description

The feed will return an XML containing all newsletter articles with status visible that are found in the system. The articles will be displayed ordered by creation date, descending (most recent first

Url access



  • newsletter:
     the value of this parameter will be the ID or the name of a newsletterif value is numeric than assume it's an ID and if it contains any other characters that assume it's a namefetching the articles should only need 1 request ( not getting the ID first in a separate request in case a name was supplied )If the given name is incorrect (can not be found in cxsystem) display error message in the feed.the format of the url will be http://[app] result of using the' newsletter' parameter will be that only articles for the specified newsletter will be returned.the articles will be displayed ordered by creation date, descending (most recent first)

  • edition
    the value of this parameter will be the value of the ID or the name of a certain edition.if value is numeric than assume it's an ID and if it contains any other characters that assume it's a nameif the name is incorrect (can not be found in cxsystem) displaye error message in the feed.parameter 'edition' can be used independently from 'newsletter' parameter.If the newsletter and edition parameters are used together and the specified edition is not an edition of the specified newsletter , than only the edition value will be used (thus the newsletter value is ignored) 

  • count
    number of articles in resultdefault value: 999ignored if used in combination with 'newsletter' or 'edition' parameters

  • start
    first article in resultdefault value 0ignored if used in combination with 'newsletter' or 'edition' parameters

The parameters will be available to be used both in the plugin and in the URL

Example of usage in the html page:
{cx_getArticles newsletter="123" } - will fetch all articles for newsletterID=123
{cx_getArticles newsletter="Test news october" } - will fetch all articles for newsletterName="Test news october" and newsletterID=123
{cx_getArticles count="10" } - will fetch first 10 available articles in the system
{cx_getArticles edition="1234" } - will fetch all articles part of edition with ID = 1234
{cx_getArticles newsletter="123" edition="1234"} - will fetch all articles part of edition with ID = 1234 (either if it is part of newsletter=123 or not. )


Type of content provided


General description

This file contains number of all unread e-mails for a specific user.

Url access


Example url access

  • user: the user name of the carerix account


  • If now.php is not present : 404 NOT FOUND message is displayed

  • If the user is Inactive in cx systemn - 410 GONE message is displayed


  • to have access on now.php page, the IP address should be set in config.ini.php

  • if the page now.php need to be accesed from different locations, IP address should be separated with character " | "

ip = "|"

Subscribe to campaign

The purpose of this feature is to register the response of a contact or candidate to a campaign in your Carerix application. The contact/candidate receives an email with several links to choose their response to a campaign; for example accept or decline an invitation.

The links in the email are unique for each recipient. It allows the "Subscribe to campaign" tool to identify exactly who is responding to which campaign. It even allows the recipient to be presented with information in their own language. When a user clicks on the link a check is performed to see if the campaign is still active.

The "Subscribe to campaign" tool automatically processes the response of the recipient and sets the appropriate campaign result in Carerix. This allows the user to get a good overview of the number of responses to the campaign, and how many invites have been accepted by contacts or candidates.

How to set up campaigns

1. Create a new Campaign.You can assign as recipients either Candidates or Contacts. In the following example Candidates are assigned

  • Click on Campaigns in the Mailings menu.

  • Click on new campaign

  • Make sure the box next to "Visible" is checked.

  • Choos the recipient type from the drop down menu (for example Candidates)

  • Give the campaign a name

  • Provide a description of the campaign

  • Click Save

  • Set the status of the campaign in the top left drop down menu.

If you cannot see the campaign you have just created in the Campaigns main page, please log out and log back in to refresh the list.

2. Create email templates to be sent to the users assigned to the campaign. You will need to have two email templates, one for candidates and one for contacts. Standard campaign email templates are available in the library. The text in this standard email can be adjusted if needed. 

  • Email template for inviting candidatesGo to "Email templates" under Maintenance'Click on 'NewGive the Email template a nameIn the dropdown menu next to "Visible" select Candidate:CampaignCheck the box next to "Link to CandidateSubject <subject of email>Content <your content>. (see below)Click on save.

  • To create a template to invite "Contacts" follow the same steps except:In the dropdown menu next to "Visible" select "Contact:Campaign".Check the box next to "Link to Contact"

Add people to the campaign

After you have created the campaign and email templates we can add contacts / candidates to a campaign.

  1. To add candidatesGo to "Candidates" under FilesCheck the candidates you want to addTip: Use smart search filters to easily select your target audience.Select the option Add to campaign... from the dropdown menu at the bottomClick on OKIn the next screen select the campaign you want to assign selected candidates to.Click Add

  2. Adding contacts to a campaign follows the same steps and are selected via Contacs in the files menu.

Invite people to the campaign

We can now send campaign emails to the candidates / contacts assigned to the campaign.

  • Select Campaign under mailings

  • Click on the desired campaign

  • Click on the tab Candidates / Contacts

  • Check the boxes next to the persons you want to send the email to.Note: if nothing is checked than the email is going to be sent to the entire list.

  • Select the email you want to send from the Select email... dropdown on top

  • Click Create emails

Viewing campaign results

Once you have sent out the campaign invitations you will like to know how many person have responded and what their response is. This can be done following these steps:

  • In the Mailings Menu click on "Campaigns"

  • Click on the "Candidates" Tab

  • Open the drop down menu above the Column named "Result"

  • Select the result you would like to see (for example; accepted)

  • Click on "Find"

  • From the dropdown menu called "Select Report" choose "Exact Count"

  • A report is shown telling you exactly how many persons have registered with the status you are interested in.

Release notes

Version 5.3.2

now.php was added in cxtools

Version 5.3

The link format can be configured in config.ini. A new parameter was added in the [Application] section:


A new plugin was added in cxshared (cx_jobDetailsLink) whose purpose is to format a string based on the parameters received.

In this way the user has the possibility to format the URL as he whishes.

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